2018年12月14日,为庆祝中国改革开放40周年,在首都北京举行了“我们的40年”盛大庆典。习近平、李克强、栗战书、汪洋、王沪宁、韩正、王岐山是中国共产党和国家领导人,他们参加了3000多人在人民大会堂观看联欢晚会。[照片/新华]习近平总统等党和国家领导人参加了庆祝星期五晚上国家改革开放第四十周年庆典的盛大晚会。这次盛会在北京人民大会堂举行,展示了中国改革开放以来的伟大成就,改革开放是由已故领导人邓小平在1978年发起的。近40年来,中国国内生产总值年均增长9.5%左右,中等收入人口4亿人,贫困人口7亿多人,占全球总人口的70%以上。这次盛会是最近一系列备受瞩目的纪念改革开放的官方活动之一。11月13日,习近平参观了中国国家博物馆的一个大型展览,纪念第四十周年。星期五还观看了一部关于中国国家博物馆改革开放成果的跨境联合制作纪录片的全球发布。这部由中国制作的三集剧将于上周六在优酷网上直播,并通过美国的探索频道在全球播出。该片采用超高清晰度技术拍摄,由中国国有媒体集团中国洲际通信中心、探索频道、优酷以及总部位于英国约克郡的独立制作公司Meridian Line Films联合制作。画外音是英文的,有英汉双语字幕。在纪录片中,许多来自不同领域的普通中国人被邀请分享他们近几十年的个人经历,以反映中国社会和经济的巨大发展。”“我们的40年”庆祝中国改革开放40周年的盛大庆典,于2018年12月14日在中国首都北京举行。习近平、李克强、栗战书、汪洋、王沪宁、韩正、王岐山是中国共产党和国家领导人,他们参加了3000多人在人民大会堂观看联欢晚会。[照片/新华社]中金公司董事陈鲁军说:“这部作品选择了个人风格来更好地讲述中国故事,因为我们每个人都是这个伟大过程的见证人。”他说:“一方面,中国保留了东方文化的传统色彩。”但它也展开了一幅令人眼花缭乱的现代画。我们的责任是帮助世界其他国家更好地了解这个国家。“改革开放不仅改变了中国,”中国探索频道的总经理邱先生说。“这种独特的成功之路在其他国家也有持久的影响。他说:“这个项目将当地元素与跨文化思维和观看习惯相结合。”“这样,就可以生动地展示中国与世界的共同发展。”联系作者:anbaigie@chinadaily.com.cn
"Our 40 Years," a grand gala in celebration of the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, is held in Beijing, capital of China, Dec 14, 2018. Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Han Zheng and Wang Qishan were among the Communist Party of China (CPC) and state leaders who joined more than 3,000 people to watch the gala at the Great Hall of the People. [Photo/Xinhua]

President Xi Jinping and other Party and State leaders attended a grand gala marking the 40th anniversary of the country’s historic journey of reform and opening-up on Friday night.

The gala, held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, showcased China’s great achievements since reform and opening-up was initiated by late leader Deng Xiaoping in 1978.

Over the past 40 years, China has recorded an average annual GDP growth rate of around 9.5 percent, fostered a middle-income population of 400 million and lifted more than 700 million Chinese people out of poverty, accounting for more than 70 percent of the global total.

The gala was among a series of recent high-profile official activities commemorating reform and opening-up.

On Nov 13, Xi visited a major exhibition at the National Museum of China to commemorate the 40th anniversary.

Friday also saw the global release of a cross-border, coproduced documentary to review the achievements of reform and opening-up in the National Museum of China. The three-episode production How China Made It is being aired on online streaming platform Youku.com and broadcast worldwide through the US-based Discovery Channel starting Saturday.

The coproduction, filmed using ultra-high-definition technology, is a joint production of the China Intercontinental Communication Center, a State-owned media group in China; the Discovery Channel; Youku; and Meridian Line Films, an independent production company based in Yorkshire, England.

The voice-over is in English, with English-Chinese bilingual subtitles.

In the documentary, many ordinary Chinese people from different fields are invited to share their personal experiences in recent decades to reflect the huge development of society and the economy of the country.

"Our 40 Years," a grand gala in celebration of the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, is held in Beijing, capital of China, Dec 14, 2018. Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Han Zheng and Wang Qishan were among the Communist Party of China (CPC) and state leaders who joined more than 3,000 people to watch the gala at the Great Hall of the People. [Photo/Xinhua]

“This production chooses individual touches to better tell Chinese stories because each one of us is a witness to this great process,” Chen Lujun, director of CICC, said.

“China, on one hand, preserves the traditional colors of Eastern culture,” he said. “But it unrolls a dazzling modern picture as well. It’s our responsibility to help the rest of the world better understand this country.”

“Reform and opening-up not only changes China,” said Tony Qiu, general manager of the Discovery Channel in China. “This unique path to success also has a lasting influence in other countries.

“This project combines local elements with a cross-cultural mindset and viewing habits,” he said. “That way, it can vividly show that China has developed together with the whole world.”

Contact the writers at anbaijie@chinadaily.com.cn