《希望之路》是宁夏回族自治区一部关于村民脱贫斗争的电影,12月6日在全国上映。此前,该国反贫困负责人周四表示。国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室主任刘永福表示,到2020年底,全国范围内将消除赤贫。他说,减贫成果与中国经济的快速增长相吻合。刘翔在国务院新闻办公室举办的新闻发布会上发表讲话,回顾了1978年中国实施改革开放政策以来中国在减贫方面取得的进展。新方向结束了多年的国内动荡,启动了数十年的两位数经济增长。据刘的办公室称,过去40年里,7亿多农民摆脱了极度贫困,这是刘在人类进步史上所描述的“光荣”的成就。刘说,在此期间,农村地区的贫困率从去年年底的97.5%降至3.1%,预计今年将降至2%以下。这个数字将回到零,”他说,并补充说,中国历史上第一次消除赤贫。但刘翔强调,相对贫困将继续存在,中央政府将从过去40年中吸取教训,提出提高人民收入的具体标准和措施。刘还强调了国有企业和非国有企业在反贫困斗争中的重要性,将它们描述为财富的创造者和工业的代表。”减少贫困就是增加收入,把失业者变成熟练工人,并激励他们努力工作。企业家在这方面扮演着重要的角色。“4万多家企业与3万多个贫困村合作,努力发展当地产业,减缓年轻人才的流失,”他说。2012年,中央加大扶贫攻坚力度,把扶贫列为未来三年中国必须打赢的“三大攻坚战”之一,同时防范金融风险和治理污染。lilei@china daily.com.cn;(中国日报2018年12月14日第4页)
Road of Hope, a film about local villagers' battle against poverty in Ningxia Hui autonomous region, has opened across China on Dec 6.[Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

By the end of this year, the number of Chinese grappling with extreme poverty will total about 15 million - a dramatic 85 percent drop from nearly 100 million just six years ago, the country's anti-poverty chief said on Thursday.

Liu Yongfu, director of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, said that extreme poverty will be eliminated nationwide by the end of 2020.

The poverty reduction achievement has coincided with China's rapid economic growth, he said.

Liu was speaking at a news conference organized by the State Council Information Office to review the country's progress on poverty reduction since 1978, the year China launched its reform and opening-up policy. The new direction ended years of domestic turmoil and kicked off decades of double-digit economic growth.

According to Liu's office, more than 700 million farmers were lifted out of dire poverty over the last 40 years, an achievement that Liu has described as "glorious" in the story of human progress.

Over the period, the poverty rate in rural areas plunged from 97.5 percent to only 3.1 percent as of end of last year, and is expected to drop below 2 percent this year, Liu said.

"The number will return to zero," he said, adding that extreme poverty will be eliminated for the first time in China's history. But Liu stressed that relative poverty will remain, and the central government will draw lessons from the last four decades and put forward detailed standards and measures to lift people's incomes.

Liu also highlighted the importance of enterprises - State-owned or not - in the fight against poverty, describing them as the creators of wealth and representatives of industry.

"To reduce poverty is to increase income, to turn unemployed people into skilled workers and motivate them to work diligently," he said. "Entrepreneurs have a significant role to play in this."

More than 40,000 enterprises have been paired with more than 30,000 impoverished villages, in an effort to develop local industries and slow the exodus of young talent, he said.

The central leadership ramped up efforts to fight poverty with targeted measures in 2012, and last year listed poverty reduction as one of the "three tough battles" that China must win in the next three years, alongside preventing financial risks and tackling pollution.


(China Daily 12/14/2018 page4)