9月29日,在北京举行的中国政府友谊奖颁奖典礼上,康斯坦丁·钦金与国务院副总理刘贺握手。中国日报俄罗斯化学家康斯坦丁·钦金在他选定的研究领域——质谱学领域对中俄学术合作的贡献,于9月29日获得中国政府的承认。友谊奖。34岁的Chingin在江西南昌华东理工大学的质谱实验室工作,他说这是中国唯一一个专门从事这类研究的实验室。”基本上,我们的工作旨在提供我们分析的样本的分子信息,”他说,并补充说,它可以用于癌症治疗领域,如肺癌和乳腺癌。例如,他说,当医生在手术中进行手术时,他们希望精确而彻底地切除肿瘤,而不仅仅是依靠他们自己的经验。”我们可以帮助他们在手术过程中确定肿瘤边缘,这样他们就可以知道是否继续切割。我们的基本目标是在手术过程中将每个部位的组织样本转移到质谱仪上。时间是有价值的,所以结果会在一分钟内公布。”这项研究还没有投入手术使用,但两国都认为这是有希望的。去年5月,华东理工大学和俄罗斯卫生部母婴研究中心在莫斯科成立了质谱研究中心的一个俄罗斯分支机构。去年8月,该项目被列入中国高校学科引进计划,也被称为111计划。该计划由教育部和国家外国专家局发起,旨在将外国人才引进中国,提升中国的研究和创新能力。政府表示,这些项目一次资助五年,每年至少获得180万元人民币(26万美元)的赠款。小悟空是起源于中国的一种棋类游戏,小悟空的业余玩家奇金于2012年首次来到中国参加北京的一场比赛。第二年,他决定应质谱实验室组长陈焕文的邀请在中国工作,他曾在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich)学习。我在欧洲国家学习了这么多年,这一次我想在亚洲体验一个不同的环境。例如,他说,他能欣赏到中国特有的竹子。他说,这里的研究环境也“非常友好”。在中国,政治体制更加集中,研究支持可以为每个人提供,而在欧洲,这更像是一种私人事务。他们没有那么大的规模,而在中国,他们的努力是巨大的。他说:“政府将尽力满足研究需求。”在中国,质谱学正处于起步阶段,在这一领域还没有公司领导。因此,引进这项技术还不够,我们还需要培养人才,吸引更多的外国专家。“将来,中国人计划利用质谱技术参与中药研究项目。”他说:“尽管中医药很强大,但它没有太多坚实的科学基础。”我们需要证明它,让人们相信它。我们可以分析其中的化学元素,帮助更好地理解分子水平上的功能。”我们已经在江西建立了中医药中心,下一步,我们计划在该领域取得更大的成果。”
Konstantin Chingin shakes hands with Vice-Premier Liu He at the Chinese Government Friendship Award ceremony in Beijing on Sept 29. CHINA DAILY

Russian chemist Konstantin Chingin's contribution to Sino-Russian academic cooperation in his chosen research field, mass spectrometry, was recognized on Sept 29 when he received the Chinese government's Friendship Award.

Chingin, 34, works at the mass spectrometry laboratory at East China University of Technology in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, which he said is the only one in the country specializing in such research.

"Basically, our work aims to provide molecular information of samples we analyze," he said, adding that it can be used in the field of cancer treatment, such as lung cancer and breast cancer.

For example, he said, when doctors operate in surgery, they want to cut the tumor out precisely and completely, not just depend on their own experience.

"We can help them determine the tumor margins during the surgery so that they can know whether to continue cutting or not," he said. "Our basic goal is to transfer tissue samples of every spot where they are cutting to mass spectra during the surgery. Time is valuable, so the result would come out within a minute."

The research has not been put into surgical use yet, but both countries view it as promising.

A Russian branch of the mass spectrometry research center was set up in Moscow in May last year by East China University of Technology and the Russian Health Ministry's Maternal and Perinatal Research Center.

In August last year, the project was listed in China's Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities, also known as Plan 111.

The plan, launched by the Ministry of Education and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, aims to bring foreign talent to China to upgrade the country's research and innovation capabilities. Projects are funded for five years at a time and receive grants of at least 1.8 million yuan ($260,000) a year, according to the administration.

Chingin, an amateur player of Gomoku, a board game that originated in China, first visited the country in 2012 to attend a contest in Beijing. The next year, he decided to work in China at the invitation of Chen Huanwen, the team leader of the mass spectrometry lab, whom he studied with at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich.

"I'd been studying in European countries for so many years, and this time I wanted to experience a different environment in Asia," Chingin said.

For example, he said, he can appreciate bamboos unique to China.

The research environment here is also "very friendly", he said.

"In China, the political system is more centralized and research support can be accessible to everybody, while in Europe it's more a kind of private thing. They don't have that large scale, while in China, the endeavors are big. The government will try its best to fulfill research demands," he said.

"In China, mass spectrometry science is at a nascent stage, and there are no company leaders in this field. So bringing in the technology is not enough, we also need to train people and attract more foreign experts."

In the future, Chingin plans to get involved in a traditional Chinese medicine research program using mass spectrometry technology.

"Though TCM is powerful, it doesn't have much solid scientific basis," he said. "We need to prove it and make people believe in it. We can analyze the chemical elements in it and help better understand the function on a molecular level.

"We've already had a TCM center established in Jiangxi and, next step, we plan to produce more fruitful results in the field."