外交部发言人耿双在北京举行的新闻发布会上讲话。[照片/VCG]美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的一位重要顾问周四威胁将中国驱逐出世界贸易组织,但外交部认为这是“胡说八道”。中国外交部发言人耿双在北京的新闻发布会上说,世贸组织是一个多边组织,不属于美国所有。他指出,这一评论“充分暴露了华盛顿的欺凌和自以为是的心态”。耿的讲话是在特朗普经济顾问委员会主席凯文·哈塞特在接受采访时说,中国作为世贸组织成员“行为不当”之后发表的。他建议可以起诉将中国从该组织驱逐出境。耿说,美国最近退出了联合国教育科学文化组织等组织以及一系列国际文书,如《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》和《巴黎气候变化协定》。如果我的记忆没有失败,美国甚至提前威胁要退出世贸组织。但现在它暗示要以改革组织的名义将中国从中驱逐出去。真可笑,”耿说。他还说,世贸组织成员国之间的分歧可以通过谈判和协调来解决,但这么容易地认为驱逐他人是危险的。中国是世界上最大的货物贸易国,也是世界第二大经济体。”如果美国胆敢暗示将中国从世贸组织逐出,谁将是下一个。他补充说,中国自加入世贸组织以来一直在履行其职责,并因支持多边贸易体制和在该组织中的作用日益增强而受到包括世贸组织秘书长在内的各方的赞扬。另一方面,中国驻世贸组织大使张向晨周二表示,世贸组织是一种公共利益,而不是满足特定成员需求的工具。”世贸组织改革的方向应该是反对单边主义和保护主义。改革必须推动全球贸易自由化和投资便利化,”新华社援引他的话说。
Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang speaks at a news briefing in Beijing. [Photo/VCG]

A threat by a key adviser to US President Donald Trump to evict China from the World Trade Organization was dismissed as "talking nonsense" by the Foreign Ministry on Thursday.

"The WTO is a multilateral organization and is not owned by the United States," Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a news briefing in Beijing, noting that the comment "fully exposed Washington's bullying and the mentality of self-conceit".

Geng's remarks came after Kevin Hassett, chairman of Trump's Council of Economic Advisers, said in an interview that China had "misbehaved" as a member of the WTO. He suggested that a case could be made for evicting China from the organization.

Geng said the US has recently withdrawn from organizations such as the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization and a series of international instruments such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Paris Agreement on climate change.

"If my memory does not fail, the US even threatened earlier to withdraw from the WTO. But now it hinted about evicting China from it in the name of reforming the organization. How ridiculous," Geng said.

He also said that differences between WTO members can be solved through negotiations and coordination, but it is dangerous to think so easily of expelling others.

China is the world's largest trader of goods as well as the second-largest economy.

"Who will be next if the US dares to hint at evicting China from the WTO," Geng said.

He added that China has been fulfilling its duty since joining the organization and has won praise from various parties, including the WTO secretary-general, for its support for the multilateral trading system and its rising role in the organization.

In another development, Zhang Xiangchen, China's ambassador to the WTO, said on Tuesday that the WTO is a public good, not a tool for meeting the needs of particular members.

"The direction of reforms for the WTO should be to fight against unilateralism and protectionism. The reforms have to push for worldwide trade liberalization and investment facilitation," he was quoted by Xinhua News Agency as saying.