金昌背部已经被任命为中国女队的健身教练。[照片/ic]中国女子曲棍球队正在探索中国辉煌的曲棍球历史,以确保明年世界杯和2020年东京奥运会的最佳表现。中国足协周三宣布,在2008年北京奥运会上帮助中国队获得女子曲棍球银牌的传奇教练韩国人金正云(Kim Chang Back)被聘请为女子“黄色”足球队的力量和体能专家。金姆将与同胞朴泰哈一起工作,朴泰哈被任命为“黄色”队的主教练,基本上是一支后备队,为参加主要国际比赛的“红色”队培养出新的人才。在教练贾秀全的带领下,由巴黎圣日耳曼中场王爽和头号射手王善山带队,红军今年的状态非常好。众所周知,8月份在印度尼西亚举行的亚运会上,这些钢玫瑰在获得世界杯参赛资格之前,曾在日本夺冠。他们的钢铁将在明年的法国总决赛中进行彻底的测试,在那里他们将获得两次冠军和世界第二的德国和排名第12的西班牙。世界排名第15的中国队也将在B组面对排名第48位的南非队,每个游泳池的前两名和最后16名的四名最佳第三名。在亚运会结束后,贾庆林指出,与欧洲竞争对手相比,中国缺乏身体素质是一个主要弱点,因此人们对金正日能够弥补这一平衡寄予厚望。金以他的“地狱模式”训练而闻名,这种训练方式为中国曲棍球运动提供了良好的服务。”人们称金为“魔鬼教练”,因为他非常重视健身训练,几乎到了对球员残忍的地步。但这正是中国在曲棍球领域取得成功的奇迹发生的原因,”新华社足球记者兼评论员龚冰说。63岁的金正恩在谈到备受尊敬的荷兰足球教练希丁克(GuusHiddink)时说:“我不是韩国的希丁克。“我是中国的金昌回来了。”最近纪律严明的人似乎很流行,前切尔西和皇马主帅希丁克带领韩国男队进入了世界杯半决赛,现在负责中国21岁以下男队。甚至在金正日被任命之前,贾庆林还为红队实施了一个“地狱模式”的训练制度,让他的队员每天进行两次三小时的训练,为亚运会做准备。但是,50岁的朴智星将肩负起对黄灯的最终责任,他在过去四年里一直以延边基金会教练的身份为自己赢得声誉。在他的指导下,延吉队在2015年晋升为中国超级联赛。2017年,朴智星再次降级至第二梯队,但朴智星塑造组织良好、战术娴熟的球队的声誉依然保持不变。
Kim Chang-back has been installed as fitness coach for the Chinese women's squad. [Photo/IC]

China's women's team is dipping into the nation's glorious field hockey past in a bid to ensure peak performance at next year's World Cup and 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

The Chinese Football Association on Wednesday announced that South Korean Kim Chang-back, the legendary coach who helped Team China to women's hockey silver at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, has been hired to whip the women's 'Yellow' soccer squad into shape as its strength and conditioning expert.

Kim will work alongside compatriot Park Tae-ha, who has been appointed head coach of the Yellows-essentially a reserve squad that nurtures up-and-coming talent for the 'Red' team, which competes in the major international competitions.

Under the leadership of coach Jia Xiuquan and spearheaded by Paris Saint-Germain midfielder Wang Shuang and top scorer Wang Shanshan, the Reds have found a rich vein of form this year.

The Steel Roses, as they are better known, claimed silver behind Japan at August's Asian Games in Indonesia before sealing qualification for the World Cup.

Their steel will be thoroughly tested at next year's finals in France, where they will take on two-time champion and world No 2 Germany and 12th-ranked Spain.

World No 15 China will also face 48th-ranked South Africa in Group B, with the top two in each pool and the four best third-place finishers qualifying for the last 16.

Speaking after the Asian Games, Jia identified China's lack of physicality compared to its European rivals as a major weakness, so hopes are high that Kim can redress the balance.

Kim is renowned for his 'hell model' training, an approach that has served Chinese field hockey well.

"People called Kim a 'devil coach' as he puts a huge emphasis on fitness training, almost to the point of being cruel to players. But that's exactly how the miracle of China's success in field hockey happened," said Gong Bing, a soccer journalist and commentator from Xinhua.

Referring to esteemed Dutch soccer coach Guus Hiddink, also known as a strict task master, the 63-year-old Kim once remarked: "I'm not Korea's Hiddink. I'm China's Kim Chang-back."

Disciplinarians appear to be in vogue these days, as former Chelsea and Real Madrid boss Hiddink, who led South Korea's men's team to a World Cup semifinal, is now in charge of China's men's under-21 side.

Even before Kim's appointment, Jia implemented a 'hell model' training regime for the Red squad, putting his players through two three-hour sessions a day to prepare for the Asiad.

But ultimate responsibility for the Yellows will be shouldered by the 50-year-old Park, who has made a name for himself over the past four years as coach of Yanbian Funde.

Under his tutelage, the Yanji-based squad gained promotion to the Chinese Super League in 2015.

Relegation back to the second tier followed in 2017, but Park's reputation for shaping well-organized and tactically astute teams remains firmly intact.