德国的蒂莫·沃纳的档案照片。[照片/机构]柏林-德国两位最优秀的球员目前是欧洲顶级俱乐部激烈竞争的原因。据说拜仁慕尼黑、巴塞罗那、曼城和巴黎圣日耳曼都在努力签下22岁的前锋蒂莫·沃纳(Rb Leipzig)和19岁的开哈维尔茨(Bayer Leverkusen)。根据西班牙《蒙多体育报》和德国《体育画报》的报道,2015年冠军联赛冠军巴塞罗那加强了收购德国国脚哈维尔茨的努力。在过去的几个月里,球探们观看了所有的中场比赛,据说这位西班牙巨人对这位德国小将的进步非常满意。不过,来自拜仁慕尼黑的竞争非常激烈,据说哈弗茨支持转会到2013年的三冠王,尽管他与勒沃库森签订了2023年的合同。”目前Leverkusen一切都很好,但很明显我打算在不久的将来采取下一步行动,”Havertz评论道。德国国家队的队友称赞这位中场球员的素质。”凯是拜仁的理想人选。但是我个人不能买他,但是他对我们来说是一场完美的比赛,”拜仁中场乔舒亚·金米奇强调说。和大多数足球专家一样,勒沃库森的球员、德国国脚布兰特坚信,伟大的职业生涯就在哈弗茨之前。”Kai拥有成为超级明星的天赋和潜力,”Brandt说。哈维兹是德甲历史上第50场联赛中最年轻的球员,他18岁,307天。预计他将花费7500万欧元。德国国家队主教练勒夫说,他对哈维兹的进步非常满意,他说:“考虑到他的年轻,他处于一个非常高的水平。”他和维尔纳一起,代表德国希望在2018年俄罗斯世界杯小组赛早期退出后恢复。沃纳和哈维兹一样,预计将在圣诞节和今年的转折点决定自己的未来。虽然勒沃库森没有对传闻发表评论,莱比锡已经宣布他们已经向维尔纳提出了合同延期。”我们给了他一份新合同。现在轮到蒂莫做出决定了,”莱比锡体育总监兼教练拉尔夫·兰尼克说。据说提供一份详细的新合同是莱比锡留住维尔纳的最后机会,因为俱乐部已经尽了最大努力让这名年轻人留下来。目前,沃纳的合同将于2020年夏季到期。结果似乎不确定,因为沃纳说他被朱利安·纳格尔斯曼(目前在霍芬海姆)所吸引,在2019/2020赛季接替了皇家马德里的教练职位。”我真的很期待和他一起工作,”维尔纳说。但新的报道显示,由于莱比锡未能获得欧冠资格,这位前锋正变得越来越沮丧。沃纳称国际比赛对他未来的发展是“重要的”和“必要的”,据说他对俱乐部在欧洲顶级俱乐部决赛中轮换的策略表示不满。但他否认发表任何评论。据报道,退出条款最有可能是莱比锡新报价的一部分。《图片报》的小报写道:“兰尼克吓跑了沃纳。”沃纳没有对这些报道发表评论,但明确表示他已经成长起来,年轻、缺乏经验的天才已经成为过去。斯图加特出生的前锋明确表示,他对未来有着雄心勃勃的目标。因此,据说他梦想着成为一个顶级的欧洲俱乐部。
File photo of Germany's Timo Werner. [Photo/Agencies]

BERLIN -- Two of Germany's biggest talents are currently the reason for fierce competition amongst Europe's top clubs.

Bayern Munich, FC Barcelona, Manchester City and Paris St. Germain are said to be in a battle to sign the 22-year-old striker Timo Werner (RB Leipzig) and 19-year-old Kai Havertz (Bayer Leverkusen).

According to the Spanish "Mundo Deportivo" newspaper and the German "Sport Bild" magazine, Barcelona, the 2015 Champions League winner, has intensified its efforts to snap up German international Havertz.

As scouts have watched all the midfielder's games in the last few months, the Spanish giant is said to be extremely pleased with the German youngster's progress.

But there's tough competition coming from Bayern Munich as Havertz is said to favor a move to the 2013 treble winners despite having a contract with Leverkusen until 2023.

"Currently everything is fine with Leverkusen, but it's clear that I intend taking the next step in the near future," commented Havertz.

Teammates in the German national side praise the midfielder's quality. "Kai is ideal for Bayern. But I personally can't buy him, but he would be a perfect match for us," emphasized Bayern midfielder Joshua Kimmich.

Like most football experts, fellow Leverkusen player and German international Julian Brandt is convinced a great career lies ahead of Havertz. "Kai has the talent and the potential to become a superstar," Brandt said. Havertz is the youngest player in the Bundesliga's history to play his 50th league game - aged 18 years and 307 days. He is expected to cost up to 75 million euro.

German national coach Joachim Loew said he is extremely pleased with Havertz's progress and said: "He is at a very high level considering his young age." Together with Werner, he stands for Germany's hope to recover after the early group exit at the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

Werner, like Havertz, is expected to decide about his future over Christmas and the turn of the year.

While Leverkusen hasn't commented on the rumors, Leipzig has announced that they have presented a contract extension to Werner. "We've offered him a new contract. It's now up to Timo to decide and make a decision," said Leipzig sports director and coach Ralf Rangnick.

To offer a detailed new contract is said to be Leipzig last chance to keep Werner as the club has been doing its utmost for a year now to convince the youngster to stay. Currently, Werner's contract will expire in summer 2020.

The outcome seems uncertain as Werner said to be attracted by Julian Nagelsmann (currently at Hoffenheim), taking over the coaching job at RB for the 2019/2020 season. "I'm really looking forward to working with him," Werner said.

But new reports indicate the forward is becoming increasingly frustrated as Leipzig has failed to qualify from the Champions League for the Europa League.

Werner called international competitions "important" and "essential" for his future development and he is said to have complained about his club's strategy to rotate in the final group match in Europe's premier club competition. He however denied making any comments. According to reports, an exit clause is the most likely part of the new Leipzig offer.

The Bild tabloid wrote: "Rangnick is scaring Werner off."

Werner has not commented on the reports but made it clear that he has developed and the young, inexperienced talent is a thing of the past. The Stuttgart-born forward made it clear that he has ambitious goals for the future. He is therefore said to be dreaming of a top European club.