中国队的王爽祝贺巴黎圣日耳曼队的队友卡迪迪亚托·迪亚尼在周日巴黎举行的一场1区女子比赛中以7比1战胜梅茨队的进球。戴夫·温特/图标体育/盖蒂图片中国球星王爽继续向她展示她在世界级的血统,她在法国联赛中以一个占主导地位的进球战胜了巴黎队。星期天不是日耳曼。最近,这位亚洲女足年度最佳球员在第58分钟用左脚射门入网,PSG在布因球场以7-1击败了梅茨,将其不败纪录扩大到14场比赛,其中包括12场胜利。玛丽·安托瓦内特·卡托托完成了帽子戏法,阿什利·劳伦斯得到了一个支撑,而卡迪迪亚图·戴安也在冬至前的最后一场比赛中成为了东道主的目标。王力宏被球迷们称为“梅西夫人”,他很高兴能在2018年的高潮中结束。”“在今年的最后一场比赛中进球感觉很好,”王建民在8月签约为巴黎圣日耳曼,赛后告诉新华社。我仍然觉得球队经历了起伏。有时我们踢得很好,有时也很糟糕。我们仍然是一个年轻的群体,所以这是很正常的。“Linkopings”PSG的Emma Lennartsson和Wang Shuang,Linkoping Arena,Linkoping,瑞典,2018年10月17日。[照片/机构]巴黎圣日耳曼在积分榜上落后领先的里昂2分,联赛将于1月12日复出。除了巴黎圣日耳曼在国内和欧洲战场上追求荣耀外,今年对王力宏来说也是一个重要的一年。王力宏希望她的技能能够帮助中国队在明年夏天的法国世界杯决赛中取得更大的成功。”“我认为我在法国的经历将是我在这里参加女子世界杯的一个优势,”这位23岁的球员在最近接受国际足联采访时说。巴黎是巴黎圣日耳曼的故乡。我们不仅要面对来自法国联赛的球队,也要面对来自其他国家的女子冠军联赛,这些球队代表着欧洲最好的球队。“然而,中国在世界杯上面临着艰巨的任务,在吸引了欧洲强国德国(两次获得世界冠军,排名第2)和西班牙(排名第12)以及排在第48位的苏特人之后非洲。不过,王建民对中国的机会持乐观态度。”这是我的第二次世界杯。作为一名年轻球员,我在2015年的加拿大比赛中得到了一个替补角色,但我没有进球。所以我的最初目标是这次打破我的女子世界杯鸭子赛。我想尽可能多的进球,帮助我的球队取得好的成绩。”新华社对此作出了贡献。
China's Wang Shuang congratulates Paris Saint-Germain teammate Kadidiatou Diani on her goal during PSG's 7-1 victory over Metz in a Division 1 Feminine match in Paris on Sunday. DAVE WINTER/ICON SPORT/GETTY IMAGES

Chinese star Wang Shuang continued to show her world-class pedigree with a goal in a dominant French league victory for Paris Saint-Germain on Sunday.

The recently crowned Asian women's player of the year hit the net in the 58th minute with a leftfoot strike as PSG routed Metz 7-1 at Stade Jean Bouin to extend its unbeaten record to 14 matches-a run that includes 12 wins.

Marie-Antoinette Katoto finished with a hat-trick, Ashley Lawrence bagged a brace while Kadidiatou Diani was also on target for the host in its last game before the winter break.

Playmaker Wang, dubbed 'Lady Messi' by fans, was delighted to end 2018 on a high.

"It feels good to score in the last match of the year," Wang, who signed for PSG in August, told Xinhua after the game.

"I still feel that the team has experienced ups and downs. Some-times we play quite well and sometimes pretty bad. We are still a young group, so it's quite normal."

Linkopings' Emma Lennartsson and Wang Shuang of PSG in action, Linkoping Arena, Linkoping, Sweden, October 17, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

PSG trails leader Lyon by two points at the top of the standings, with the league resuming on Jan 12.

As well as PSG's quest for glory on the domestic and European fronts, it promises to be a big year for Wang, who hopes her skills can help steer China to a deep run at next summer's World Cup finals in France.

"I think my experiences in France will be an advantage to me to compete in the Women's World Cup here," the 23-year-old said during a recent interview with

"Paris is the home of PSG. We face not only teams from the French league, but also from other countries during the Women's Champions League and these teams represent the best of Europe."

China faces a tough task at the World Cup, however, after drawing European powerhouses Germany (a two-time world champion and ranked No 2) and Spain (No 12), as well as the 48th-ranked South Africa.

Wang, though, is optimistic about China's chances.

"It is my second World Cup. I was given a substitute role at Canada 2015 as a young player but I didn't score. So my initial goal is to break my Women's World Cup duck this time around. I want to score as many goals as possible and help my team to a good result."

Xinhua contributed to this story.