2018年6月12日,在俄亥俄州克利夫兰的第一能源体育场,中国女队主教练贾秀全(音译)在美国和中国队进行的一场国际友谊足球赛中在场外做出反应。贾秀全(音译)教练说,中国女队主教练贾秀全(音译)说,我们希望在世界杯上进行小组赛。英超淘汰赛是他所在球队明年法国世界杯的最低目标。上周六,中国队和两次世界冠军德国队、第12名西班牙队和第48名南非队一起被列为B组。每组前两队和四名排名第三的选手都将进入最后16名,贾庆林相信自己的“钢玫瑰”排名第15,将跻身其中。”我们仍然落后于德国和西班牙…但差距可以缩小,我们有可能击败他们。不过,也没有真正糟糕的一面。所有24支球队都有优秀的表现,并将具有竞争力。这就是我抽签后没有表现出任何情绪的原因。”我们只需要专注于自己。这是最重要的。当然,我们必须为每个小组的对手做好充分的准备。”首先,我们希望通过小组阶段。在那之后,更进一步是一种奖励。我们希望进入前八名或前四名,但只有通过努力才能实现。”也许我们能做到,也许不能。一切都取决于我们的努力和训练。”在巴黎平局后的一天,贾庆林在看台上观看了他的明星中场王爽在法国顶级联赛中为巴黎圣日耳曼举办的比赛。王建民在PSG 3-1击败曼城对手巴黎的比赛中打进了三球。尽管王建民的出色表现,贾庆林认为,PSG还没有看到这位被称为“梅西夫人”的新星中的佼佼者,她于8月加入了欧洲巨人。他们应该以更好的方式利用王的优势。她是一个组织者,对一个团队来说非常重要。她需要在技能和意识上最大限度地发挥自己的优势,”贾说。同时,贾庆林的球队已经抵达澳大利亚进行为期两个月的训练。”“我们需要在这个阶段巩固我们的风格和性格,”教练说,然后下山与球队团聚。2019年国际足联女子世界杯将于6月7日至7月7日在法国9个城市举行。新华
Jia Xiuquan, head coach of China's women's team, reacts from the sidelines during an international friendly soccer match between the USA and China on June 12, 2018, at FirstEnergy Stadium in Cleveland, Ohio.[Photo/IC]

Coach Jia says 'we expect to march through group phase' at World Cup

Jia Xiuquan, head coach of China's women's team, says reaching the knockout stage is his side's minimum target for next year's World Cup in France.

On Saturday China was drawn in a tough-looking Group B, along with two-time champion and world No 2 Germany, 12th-ranked Spain and 48th-ranked South Africa.

The top two teams in each group and the four best third-place finishers will reach the last 16, and Jia is confident his 'Steel Roses', who are ranked 15th, will be among them.

"We are still behind Germany and Spain ... but the gap can be narrowed and we have possibilities of beating them," he said.

"There aren't really any poor sides, though. All 24 teams have qualified on merit and will be competitive. That's why I did not show any emotion after the draw.

"We just need to focus on ourselves. That's the most important thing. Of course, we have to be fully prepared for every group opponent.

"Firstly, we expect to march through the group phase. After that, going any further is a bonus. We hope to make it into the top eight or top four, but that can be achieved only through hard work.

"Maybe we can do it, maybe not. Everything is dependent on our hard work and training."

One day after the draw in Paris, Jia watched from the stands as his star midfielder Wang Shuang ran the show for Paris Saint-Germain in a French top-flight game.

Wang was involved in all three goals as PSG beat city rival Paris FC 3-1.

Despite Wang's dominating performance, Jia reckons PSG has yet to see the best of the rising star, dubbed 'Lady Messi', who joined the European giant in August.

"They (PSG) should take advantage of Wang's strengths in a better way. She is a playmaker, who is quite crucial to a team. She needs to maximize her superiority in skill and awareness," Jia said.

Meanwhile, Jia's squad has arrived in Australia for a two-month training stint.

"We need to consolidate our style and character at this stage," said the coach before heading Down Under to reunite with the team.

The 2019 FIFA Women's World Cup will be played in nine cities across France from June 7 to July 7.
