11月28日,在伦敦温布利体育场举行的欧冠比赛中,国际米兰前锋莫罗·伊卡迪与托特纳姆后卫简·维东根联手。[照片/机构]米兰-阿根廷前锋莫罗·伊卡迪是意大利足球界的金童,他在国际米兰的得分能力和他丰富多彩的场外生活方式不相上下。这位来自罗萨里奥(也是梅西的家乡)的25岁纹身浓重的年轻人,与2008年来到巴塞罗那的著名同胞走的是同一条路。他于2011年移居意大利,效力于热那亚俱乐部桑普多利亚,五年前抵达国际米兰,并于2015年接任队长一职。伊卡迪的位置本能和致命一击在一个以严密防守著称的冠军赛中为俱乐部赢得了116球。一年半前执掌国际米兰的斯帕莱蒂说:“伊卡迪没有弱点,他是完美的。他是一个完整的前锋,在他的年龄里肩负着如此多的责任。”伊卡迪上赛季以29个联赛进球并列意甲得分领先。上周,他被评为意甲年度最佳球员,这是继2011年伊布拉希莫维奇加盟AC米兰后,尤文图斯首位没有赢得比赛的球员。这位阿根廷人在去年3月对阵桑普多利亚的四球大战中反手的惊人表现也赢得了最佳进球奖。他给每个国米球员一块劳力士手表,感谢他们帮助他在职业生涯中第二次达到目标。”如果没有你,这是不可能的,”伊卡迪在Instagram的帖子里向他的队友们致敬。周二晚上,国际米兰将在冠军联赛中迎战埃因霍温,这是意大利俱乐部在这场比赛中取得进步的关键一场比赛,这是该俱乐部自2011-12赛季以来首次重返本赛季。伊卡迪在主场2-1战胜托特纳姆的比赛中打进了他在冠军联赛的第一粒进球,但意大利俱乐部在温布利球场输给了英格兰队,双方均以7分战平。国际米兰将以第二名的成绩晋级淘汰赛,如果它比热刺拿下更多的分数,热刺将设法赢得小组冠军巴塞罗那。也有人猜测,如果伊卡迪不能在欧洲取得进展,他将在俱乐部的未来。“我总是明确我的目标,”伊卡迪在周末说。第一次是和国米一起回到冠军联赛,我们做到了这一点,第二次是和国米一起赢得了一些东西。”但是国米在上周五意甲0:1输给尤文图斯后,冠军希望也被严重削弱,落后于冠军14分。那不勒斯是最近的挑战者,落后尤文8分。克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多来到尤文图斯,这名葡萄牙球星打进了10个联赛进球,而伊卡迪的8个进球让伊卡迪黯然失色。周五的意大利德比中,马里奥·曼祖基克的进球也没能让人眼前一亮,而伊卡迪在比赛中也没能进球。他与阿根廷同胞、桑普多利亚队友马克西·洛佩兹的前妻旺达·纳拉(Wanda Nara)在球场外的高知名度生活,经常为意大利媒体提供素材。阿根廷电视明星纳拉管理着这位前锋的利益,他的合同将于2021年到期。据报道,曼联和皇马有兴趣签下他。据报道,伊卡迪的合同中有1.14亿美元的买断条款,这是尤文图斯为5次金球奖得主罗纳尔多向皇马支付的款项。”“伊卡迪和克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多的水平相当,”纳拉说。他比罗纳尔多少打了三场比赛,这就是他进球少的原因。“由于梅西和马克西·洛佩兹的友谊关系,没有被选入今年夏天的世界杯决赛,伊卡迪被阿根廷队召回,上个月他在墨西哥友谊赛中为国家进了第一球。法新社
Inter Milan striker Mauro Icardi Mauro Icardi in action with Tottenham defender Jan Vertonghen during a UEFA Champions League match on Nov 28 at Wembley Stadium in London. [Photo/Agencies]

MILAN-Argentina striker Mauro Icardi is the golden boy of Italian soccer as much for his scoring prowess with Inter Milan as his colorful lifestyle off the pitch.

The heavily tattooed 25-year-old from Rosario-also the hometown of Lionel Messi-followed the same route as his illustrious compatriot to Barcelona in 2008.

He moved to Italy in 2011 to Genoa club Sampdoria before arriving in Inter Milan five years ago, taking over as captain in 2015.

Icardi's positional instinct and lethal finishing in a championship renowned for its tight defending have garnered 116 goals for the club.

Luciano Spalletti, who took charge of Inter a year and a half ago, said: "Icardi has no weakness, he is perfect. He is a complete striker and for his age shoulders so much responsibility."

Icardi tied for the Serie A scoring lead last season with 29 league goals.

He was named Serie A Footballer of the Year last week, the first player not from Juventus to win since Zlatan Ibrahimovic with AC Milan in 2011.

The Argentine also won the best goal award for his spectacular backheel during a four-goal haul against Sampdoria last March.

He gave each Inter player a Rolex watch to thank them for helping him reach the mark for the second time in his career. "Without you it would have not been possible," Icardi paid tribute to his teammates in an Instagram post.

Inter was due to take on PSV Eindhoven in the Champions League on Tuesday night in a crucial game for the Italian club's progress in the competition, which it returned to this season for the first time since 2011-12.

Icardi scored his first Champions League goal in a 2-1 home win over Tottenham, but the Italian club lost away to the English side at Wembley, with both sides tied at seven points.

Inter will finish second and qualify for the knockout round if it picks up more points than Spurs who manage away to group winner Barcelona.

There has also been speculation about Icardi's future with the club should it fail to advance in Europe.

"I've always clarified my goals," Icardi said on the weekend.

"The first was to come back to the Champions League with Inter and we reached it, the second was to win something with Inter."

But Inter's title hopes have also been severely dented after losing 1-0 to Juventus in Serie A last Friday, falling 14 points behind the champion. Napoli is the nearest challenger, eight points behind Juve.

And Icardi has been overshadowed by the arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo at Juventus, with the Portuguese star scoring 10 league goals to Icardi's eight.

Neither shone in Friday's Derby d'Italia that saw Mario Mandzukic score the winner, and Icardi failed to record a single shot on goal during the match.

His high-profile off-pitch life with wife Wanda Nara, the ex of fellow Argentine and Sampdoria teammate Maxi Lopez, regularly provides fodder for the Italian press.

Argentine TV star Nara manages the interests of the striker, whose contract expires in 2021. Manchester United and Real Madrid are regularly reported as being interested in signing him. Icardi's contract reportedly has a $114 million buyout clause, the sum which Juventus paid Real Madrid for five-time Ballon d'Or winner Ronaldo.

"Icardi is on a par with Cristiano Ronaldo," said Nara. "He played three games fewer than Ronaldo, which is why he has fewer goals."

Having not been selected for this summer's World Cup finals amid reports he was snubbed because of Lionel Messi's friendship with Maxi Lopez, Icardi has since been recalled by Argentina and scored his first goal for his country in a friendly win over Mexico last month.