在马拉松运动员不幸的错误将自己裹在国旗上之后制定的新规则,对跑步者来说,通常是一个值得骄傲和爱国的时刻——但并非总是如此。上周日,在江苏省苏州市举行的苏州太湖马拉松比赛中,中国马拉松选手何银利面临着迎旗或夺冠的两难境地。在冲刺最后一程时,他试图超越埃塞俄比亚的阿雅图·阿伯拉·德米西,一名志愿者从边线冲过来,递给他一面旗帜。根据规定,在比赛期间,包括裁判员在内的非运动员不得踏上跑道。这位30岁的男子在国旗落地前举了几秒钟,但在那短暂的间歇中,她失去了步伐,以5秒钟的速度向德米西跑去。随着活动的现场直播,现场立即引发了中国社会媒体的激烈辩论。尽管大多数观众批评比赛组织者允许志愿者干预,但一些人质疑他的反应,认为国旗在任何情况下都不应被降下。经过一周的深思熟虑,中国体育协会终于在周四做出了回应,并在其网站上发表了一份声明,强调保持公平竞争环境的重要性,以及防止在未来事件中重演的措施。根据中国民航局的声明:1)组织者必须严格遵守马拉松比赛规则,任何仪式或庆典活动不得破坏公平竞争的原则;2)组织者应将促销活动的内容和形式报中国民航局审批和风险防范;3)需要有效的应急计划。在中国民航总局宣布这一消息之前,一名比赛组织者的工作人员对《北京青年报》说:“佩戴国旗是一件好事,能让观众高兴。”然而,那天下雨,跑道又湿又滑,导致了这起事故。我们真的很抱歉。“但是,组织者最初声称“志愿者的行动完全是个人的决定”,根据腾讯体育的说法,虽然现在有更严格的要求,但他还是要应付结果。”这位跑步者对新浪体育说:“我不能肯定我会成为冠军,但我在最后阶段的速度被打乱了。”额外的动作使我放慢了速度,这让我很遗憾。”我从一开始就在领导小组里,和冠军一起跑。我甚至追了她一会儿。当事故发生时,我与志愿者进行了眼神交流,试图避免在关键时刻拿旗。”我和我的对手都在最后阶段挣扎着,我不希望自己的步伐被打断。旗子太大了。我担心我会踩上去绊倒。所以我把它卷起来,握在手里。”国旗是湿的,我的胳膊是僵硬的,所以它掉到了地上。“另一个中国马拉松运动员魏静在微博上说:”视频显示,何银丽把国旗揉成一团扔了出去——比赛结果比国旗更重要吗?但似乎他得到了大多数人的支持,包括中国中央电视台(china central television)在其官方微博上称,“对于运动员来说,真正的爱国主义是胜利的。”中国共产主义青年团也对他表示了支持,发表了一篇题为“强迫马拉松运动员拿国旗是对体育协会的误解”的文章。微博上的三重奏。首先,太湖马拉松事件是违反体育规则和扰乱秩序的事件。组织者未能为跑步者提供有效的保护。对运动员来说,最好的爱国主义是为国家赢得荣誉。从这个角度看,何银丽尽了最大努力,值得表扬。”

New rules established in wake of marathoner's unfortunate miscue

Wrapping themselves in the national flag is normally a proud and patriotic moment for runners-but not always.

Last Sunday, Chinese marathoner He Yinli faced the dilemma of embracing the flag or winning the race at the Suzhou Taihu Marathon in Suzhou, Jiangsu province.

While sprinting the final leg, trying to overtake Ethiopia's Ayantu Abera Demissie, He was handed a flag from a volunteer who rushed to her from the sideline.

According to the rules, no non-runners, including referees, can step onto the track during the race.

The 30-year-old He held the flag for a few seconds before dropping it to the ground, but in that short interval she lost her pace and finished runnerup to Demissie by five seconds.

As the event was broadcast live, the scene instantly triggered a fierce debate on China's social media. While most viewers criticized the race organizers for allowing a volunteer to interfere, some questioned He's response, believing the national flag should not be dropped under any circumstances.

After a week-long deliberation, the Chinese Athletic Association finally responded on Thursday, posting a statement on its website stressing the importance of maintaining a fair competitive environment and measures to prevent a repeat in future events.

According to the CAA's statement: 1) Organizers must strictly follow the rules of marathon and any ritual or celebration activity should not disrupt the principle of fair competition; 2) Organizers should report the content and form of promotional activities to the CAA for approval and risk prevention; 3) Effective contingency plans are needed.

Before the CAA's announcement, a member of the race organizer's staff told Beijing Youth Daily: "Wearing the national flag is a good thing which can cheer the spectators.

"However, that day it was raining and the track was wet and slippery, which caused the incident. We are truly sorry."

However, the organizer initially claimed the "volunteer's action was entirely an individual decision", according to Tencent Sports

Although stricter requirements are now in place, He is left to cope with the result..

"I can not assume I would for sure be the champion, but my pace in the final stage was disrupted," the runner told Sina Sports. "The extra movement slowed me down, which was a pity for me.

"I was in the leading group right from the start, running alongside the champion. I even overtook her for a while. When the incident happened, I had eye contact with the volunteer and tried to avoid taking the flag at that critical point.

"Both me and my rival were struggling in the final stage and I did not want my pace to be disrupted. The flag was too huge. I was afraid that I could step on and trip. So I rolled it and held it in my hand.

"The flag was wet and my arm was stiff, so it dropped to the ground."

Wei Jing, another Chinese marathoner, said on Weibo: "The video shows that He Yinli crumpled the flag and tossed it away-is the race result more important than the national flag?"

But it appears that He got the support of the majority, including China Central Television, which said on its official Weibo account "for athletes, real patriotism is winning."

The Communist Youth League of China also expressed support for He, posting an article titled "Forcing marathon runner to take national flag is a misunderstanding towards patriotism" on Weibo.

"First of all, the incident of Taihu marathon is a matter of violating sport rules and disrupting orders," said the article.

"The organizer failed to provide runners with effective protection. For athletes, the best patriotism is to win honor for the country. From that perspective, He Yinli tried her best, which deserve some praise."