Katinka Hosszu,文件照片。[照片/机构]卡丁卡·霍斯苏已经不知道她赢得了多少冠军,但这并不意味着她会厌倦登上领奖台。远非如此。匈牙利人在上周杭州举行的短程游泳世界锦标赛上又获得了5枚奖牌,在她参加的9项比赛中获得了4枚金牌和1枚银牌。比赛于周日结束。她累人的多次中风计划赢得了“铁娘子”的绰号,似乎很少对她的身体造成伤害。然而,关于她的记忆,也不能这么说。”上一次我打破(短程)世界纪录是在2016年,也许是2017年,我必须检查……不,我不记得了,”当被要求回忆她上一次打破纪录的壮举时,她说,在25米游泳池后,赢得了200米蝶泳在杭州周三。在杭州举行的200次仰泳比赛中,侯赛因还获得了全部三项个人混合泳项目(100、200和400)的冠军,并获得银牌。29岁的她是历史上所有三个即时通讯距离中最快的女性,但她承认她忘记了去年8月在柏林打破100米纪录的那一刻。”“我以为我没有(打破100米世界纪录),所以我在网上查了一下,这太疯狂了,我不记得打破了它,”霍斯苏说,他拥有三枚奥运会金牌,七枚长程和17枚短程世界冠军。这是她自2009年世界锦标赛首次亮相以来,平均每年三个主要冠军头衔。她还从2014-16年度获得了三项国际泳联年度最佳游泳运动员奖。作为世界上最多才多艺的游泳运动员,霍斯苏一直把四杆混合泳列为优先考虑的项目。”首先,我查看混合泳项目,并相应地选择它们如何符合日程安排。她说:“我的日程安排通常很灵活。”但这取决于我的感受。”霍斯苏并不想当然,她知道挂在脖子上的金牌和站在场边观看的金牌之间的区别是非常薄的。她对那些渴望荣耀的野心勃勃的年轻新贵们的建议是,尽情享受这一时刻,继续努力工作。”“我必须检查一下我是否赢得了比赛,当我意识到我应该感激这些时刻,因为谁知道我是否会打破另一场比赛,”霍斯苏说,他来自山城佩克斯。很明显你想去那里,我努力去那里,但是每次我站在讲台上,我都试着去享受。我已经取得了很大的成功,我想感谢每一刻。”对于年轻的游泳者来说,他们有这么长的旅程。对我来说,如果回顾我的游泳生涯,我想告诉自己,每一场比赛都只是众多比赛中的一个。”我以前总是对这样的比赛施加很大的压力。我一直以为这会毁了我的事业。我不再是这样看待比赛的。总有另一个机会,总有另一场比赛你能赢。”
Katinka Hosszu, file photo. [Photo/Agencies]

Katinka Hosszu has lost count of the number of titles she's won-but that doesn't mean she ever tires of stepping onto the podium. Far from it.

The Hungarian added another five medals to her bulging collection at last week's short-course swimming world championships in Hangzhou, bagging four golds and one silver out of the nine events she competed in at the meet, which ended on Sunday.

Her grueling multi-stroke schedule has earned the nickname "The Iron Lady" and it rarely appears to take a toll on her body. The same, however, can't be said about her memory.

"The last time I broke a (short-course) world record I think was in 2016, maybe it was 2017, I will have to check… no, I do not remember," she said when asked to recall her last record-breaking feat in the 25-meter pool after winning the 200m butterfly in Hangzhou on Wednesday.

Hosszu also won all three individual medley events (100, 200 and 400) and claimed silver in the 200 backstroke in Hangzhou.

The 29-year-old is the fastest woman in history in all three IM distances, but admitted she'd forgotten the moment in August last year in Berlin when she broke the 100m mark.

"I thought I didn't (break the 100m IM world record) so I checked online and it was crazy, I didn't remember breaking it," said Hosszu, who is the owner of three Olympic golds, seven long-course and 17 short-course world titles. That's an average of three major titles a year since her world championships debut in 2009. She's also picked up three FINA Swimmer of the Year awards, from 2014-16.

Having built a reputation as the most versatile swimmer in the world, Hosszu always prioritizes the four-stroke medley.

"First I look at the medley events and I choose accordingly how they fit in the schedule. I usually have my schedule flexible," she said. "It depends on how I feel."

Hosszu, though, isn't taking anything for granted and knows the difference between having a gold medal hung around her neck and looking on from the sidelines can be razor-thin.

Her advice to any ambitious young upstarts who are impatient for glory is to simply savor the moment and keep working hard.

"Having to check if I won a race or not is when I realize I should appreciate these moments because who knows whether I will break another one," said Hosszu, who hails from the mountain city of Pecs.

"Obviously you want to be there and I strive to be there, but each time I am on the podium I try to enjoy it. I have had a lot of success and I want to appreciate each moment.

"For young swimmers, they have such a long journey. For me, if I look back at my swimming career, I would like to tell myself every competition is just one of many.

"I always put so much pressure on such competitions before. I always thought that would break my career. This is not how I look at competitions anymore. There is always another chance and there's always another race that you can win."