嵌入视频Jean-Marie Gustave le cl_zio是一位法国作家和教授。他被认为是法国现存最伟大的语言作家之一,被授予2008年诺贝尔文学奖,被誉为“超越和超越统治文明的人类的诗意冒险和探索者”,作品涵盖了大量的小说、短篇小说和散文,探索了语言、人性、自然和语言等深层次的主题。拉威尔·勒克齐奥的作品自1983年以来被翻译成多种语言并传入中国。中国的主要出版社和书店不断地购买他现在出版的和即将出版的书籍,1967年他第一次访问中国后,法国作家与中国文化界的联系继续。上个月,Le-cl_zio作为嘉宾出席了第十届傅雷翻译奖,并发表了他对中国文学的见解。执行制片人:冯明辉制片人:李文瑞嘉宾:让-玛丽古斯塔夫Le-cl_zio旁白:查理·克拉克森字幕:刘增良联系制片人:liwenrui@chinadaily.com.cn

Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio is a French author and professor. Deemed one of the greatest living French-language writers, he was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature as an "author of poetic adventure and explorer of a humanity beyond and below the reigning civilization".

His oeuvre covers an extensive body of novels, short stories and essays, exploring deep themes such as language, humanity, nature and travel.

Le Clézio's works have been translated into many languages and introduced to China since 1983. Major publishing houses and bookstores in China keep acquiring his present and upcoming books.

After his first visit to China in 1967, the French writer's bond with Chinese cultural circles has continued. Last month, Le Clézio attended the 10th Fu Lei Translation Prize as the guest of honor and offered his insights on Chinese literature.

Executive producer: Feng Minghui

Producer: Li Wenrui

Guest: Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio

Voiceover: Charlie Clarkson

Subtitles: Liu Zengliang

Contact the producer at liwenrui@chinadaily.com.cn