里昂的圣约翰大教堂是灯节的主要场所。这座教堂被装饰成令人惊叹的色彩和图案,持续了大约8分钟,以庆祝2018年12月9日的里昂灯节。[张兴健/中国日报网合影]人山人海,震耳欲聋的欢呼声,最重要的是精彩的灯光秀,里昂之夜是你遇到浪漫的法国时最好的建议之一。将传统艺术与最先进的技术相结合,在法国举行的里昂灯光节(Lyon's F_te des Lumi_res)是里昂的一项重大活动,也是全球最大的视觉艺术节之一。通常在12月8日前后连续四个晚上举行。当晚上8点左右,你所要做的就是沉浸在这个主要的庆祝活动,这是免费的,开放给所有人。同时,这个节日的起源也是一个精彩的故事。1850年,里昂的宗教退伍军人决定在Fourviere区的顶部建造圣母玛利亚雕像,并发起了一场选择雕刻家的竞赛。雕像最终由雕刻家约瑟夫·胡格斯·法比什完成。就职典礼原定于1852年9月8日举行,当时罗马天主教徒在完美怀孕节上向圣母玛利亚致敬。不幸的是,由于Saone河突然发生洪水,这一事件不得不推迟到12月8日。三个月后,里昂的一场暴雨似乎要迫使该活动再次推迟。当黄昏来临,天空晴朗,里昂市民都在他们的窗户上点燃蜡烛庆祝这一天。从那时起,这一天就被定为灯展日,并演变成世界著名的节日。
The Saint Jean Cathedral in Lyon is the major site for the light festival. The church has been decorated with amazing colors and patterns that last around eight minutes in celebration of the annual Lyon Festival of Lights on Dec 9, 2018. [Photo by Zhang Xingjian/chinadaily.om.cn]

Surging crowds, deafening cheers and, most importantly, fantastic light shows, the night of Lyon is one of the best recommendations when you encounter the romantic France.

Integrating traditional art with state-of-the-art technologies, the Lyon Festival of Lights, or Lyon's Fête des Lumières in France, is a major event in Lyon and one of the largest visual arts festival across the globe.

It usually takes place around Dec 8 for four consecutive nights. When 8 pm rolls around, all you have to do is to immerse yourself in this major celebration that is free and open to all.

Meanwhile, the origin of the festival is a wonderful story to tell. In 1850, the religious veterans of Lyon decided to build a statue of the Virgin Mary at the top of Fourviere district and launched a competition to choose a sculptor.

The statue was eventually completed by the sculptor Joseph-Hugues Fabisch. The inauguration ceremony was originally scheduled to take place on Sept 8, 1852, when Roman Catholics honor the Virgin Mary on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Unfortunately, the event had to be postponed until Dec 8 due to sudden flooding on the Saone River.

Three months later, a torrential rain in Lyon seemed about to force the event to be postponed again. As dusk approached, the sky cleared, and Lyon citizens all lit candles in their windows to celebrate the day. Since then, this day has been designated as the day of light shows, and evolved into a world-famous festival.