2018年12月12日,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的前私人律师迈克尔·科恩(Michael Cohen)走出美国纽约的一座法院大楼。科恩星期三被判处三年有期徒刑,因为他承认犯有多项罪行,包括逃税、向国会撒谎以及违反竞选财政法,向两名声称与特朗普有关系的妇女支付了封口费,以换取她们在2016年总统选举前夕的沉默。科恩周三在纽约联邦法院的认罪答辩中说:“我对我所认罪的每一项行为、我个人的行为以及涉及美国总统的行为负全责。”有时他会停下来控制自己的情绪,流下眼泪。据报道,特朗普周三私下里说科恩是个骗子,他一直不愿公开评论此事,直到周四早上他发了三条微博,试图与此案保持距离。”我从未指示迈克尔·科恩犯法。他是个律师,应该知道法律。这被称为“律师建议”,如果犯了错误,律师将承担很大的责任。这就是他们得到报酬的原因,”他在推特上说。奥巴马总统周五回应了检察官的指控,指控科恩“与个人一号协调一致,并在个人一号的指导下”进行了沉默付款。个人-1是检察官用来指特朗普的术语。科恩承认了。特朗普周一在推特上说,这笔款项是“一笔简单的私人交易”,而不是受竞选融资法约束的与选举相关的支出。周四,他说,“许多竞选财务律师都强烈表示,我在竞选财务法律方面没有做错什么,如果他们适用的话,因为这不是竞选财务。”除了终身监禁之外,这位前特朗普密友还将被没收50万美元,归还140万美元,罚款总计1美元。00000。他被命令于3月6日投降。”正是我对这个人盲目的忠诚,使我走上了黑暗而不是光明的道路。科恩说:“我觉得我有责任掩盖他的肮脏行为。”与周三的判决相反,科恩最初预计将在监狱服刑四五年,因为检察官建议科恩“相当长的刑期”,这使科恩的律师们早先提出的关于科恩免予服刑的论点受到了推波助澜。这项豁免的原因是科恩协助联邦检察官以及特别顾问罗伯特·穆勒(Robert Mueller),穆勒正在领导对2016年俄罗斯涉嫌干预选举的持续调查。事实上,缩短刑期已经是考虑到科恩在法律程序中所做的事情的结果。美国地区法官威廉保利在宣布科恩的判决时说,他对有罪和协助的认罪和协助“并没有抹去一片空白。”科恩与穆勒团队合作的一部分涉及据称特朗普组织在莫斯科的房地产项目,科恩11月29日承认他对国会撒了谎。特朗普当天的反应是,他称科恩为“一个软弱的人,而不是一个非常聪明的人”。“很简单,迈克尔科恩在撒谎,他试图对与我无关的事情减刑,”总统说。此外,根据特朗普周四上午发布的三条推特,没有一条提到国家问询小报出版商承认,2016年特朗普向上述两位女性之一的卡伦·麦克杜格尔支付了15万美元,以“压制女性的故事”和“防止其影响选举”。根据ProSec之间达成的协议。utors和该公司,美国媒体公司(ami),检察官将不会起诉该公司,ami说,它将与执法部门进一步合作。
Michael Cohen (C) walks out of a court building in New York, the United States, Dec 12, 2018.[Photo/Xinhua]

WASHINGTON - US President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen has been sentenced for crimes including those he committed to help his boss win the presidency, and Trump has denied that he had directed Cohen to break the law.

Cohen was sentenced to a three-year jail term on Wednesday after he pleaded guilty to multiple crimes, including tax evasion, lying to Congress, as well as violating campaign-finance laws by paying two women, who alleged affairs with Trump, hush-money to buy their silence on the eve of the 2016 presidential election.

"I take full responsibility for each act that I pled guilty to, the personal ones to me and those involving the president of the United States of America," Cohen said in a guilty plea at a federal court in New York on Wednesday. At times he paused to control his emotions and shed tears.

Trump, who reportedly said in private Wednesday that Cohen is a liar, held off from commenting publicly on the matter until Thursday, when he fired three tweets in the morning in an effort to distance himself from the case.

"I never directed Michael Cohen to break the law. He was a lawyer and he is supposed to know the law. It is called 'advice of counsel,' and a lawyer has great liability if a mistake is made. That is why they get paid," he tweeted.

The president was responding to prosecutors' accusation on Friday that Cohen "acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1" in the hush-money payments. Individual-1 is the term prosecutors have been using to refer to Trump. Cohen had admitted it.

Trump tweeted on Monday that the payments were "a simple private transaction," not election-related spending subject to campaign-finance laws.

On Thursday, he said that "many campaign finance lawyers have strongly stated I did nothing wrong with respect to campaign finance laws, if they even apply, because this was not campaign finance."

In addition to life behind bars, the former Trump confidant is also subject to forfeiture of $500,000, restitution of $1.4 million and fines totaling $100,000. He was ordered to surrender on March 6.

"It was my blind loyalty to this man that led me to take a path of darkness instead of light. I felt it was my duty to cover up his dirty deeds," Cohen said.

Contrary to Wednesday's sentencing, Cohen was initially expected to serve four or five years in jail, as prosecutors had recommended "substantial term of imprisonment" for him, pushing back on an earlier argument by Cohen's lawyers that he be exempted of any prison time.

The reason for the exemption is that Cohen has assisted federal prosecutors as well as special counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the ongoing investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

In fact, a shortened jail term is already the result of taking into consideration what Cohen did during the legal process. US District Judge William Pauley said when announcing Cohen's sentencing that his plea to guilty and assistance "does not wipe the slate clean."

Part of Cohen's cooperation with the Mueller team involves the alleged Trump Organization real-estate project in Moscow, about which Cohen admitted on Nov. 29 that he lied to Congress.

Trump reacted on the same day by calling Cohen "a weak person and not a very smart person." "Very simply, Michael Cohen is lying, and he is trying to get a reduced sentence for things that have nothing to do with me," the president said.

In addition, none of Trump's three tweets on Thursday morning mentioned the acknowledgement by the National Enquirer tabloid's publisher of its $150,000 payment to Karen McDougal, one of the aforementioned two women, in 2016 to "suppress the woman's story" and "prevent it from influencing the election."

According to an agreement between the prosecutors and the company, American Media Inc. (AMI), the prosecutors will not prosecute the company and AMI said it will engage in further cooperation with law enforcement.