悼念仪式——旧金山驻旧金山副总领事邹永红于12月9日在旧金山举行的1937次南京大屠杀遇难者悼念仪式上发表讲话。包括民选官员、活动家和中韩社区成员在内的约300人参加了年度活动。Lia Zhu/中国日报第一季-Bellevue,WA左起:Gix Vikram Jandhyala联合执行董事、微软总裁Brad Smith、清华大学校长邱勇和华盛顿大学的Ana Mari Cauce周日出席其第一批学生的全球创新交流毕业典礼。邓琳达/中国日报

Memorial service - San Francisco

Zou Yonghong, deputy Chinese consul general in San Francisco, speaks at a memorial service for the victims of the 1937 Nanjing Massacre on Dec 9 in San Francisco. About 300 people, including elected officials, activists and members of Chinese and Korean communities, attended the annual event. Lia Zhu / China Daily

First crop - Bellevue, WA

From left: Co-executive director of GIX Vikram Jandhyala, Microsoft president Brad Smith, president of Tsinghua University Qiu Yong and the University of Washington’s Ana Mari Cauce attend the Global Innovation Exchange graduation ceremony for its first cohort of students on Sunday. Linda Deng / China Daily