加利福尼亚州议会发言人安东尼·伦登(右)在星期四举行的招待会上向中国驻洛杉矶总领事张平颁发了一份承认证书,庆祝中美建交40年。刘银萌/中国日报在20国集团峰会期间中美领导人最近的会晤中受到鼓舞,加利福尼亚的高官们敦促双方保持交流与合作的精神,因为官员们标志着中美关系40年。”为了实现两国领导人的共识,在未来几周或几个月内,我们不仅需要找到这些重要贸易问题的解决方案,更重要的是为中美关系未来四年的发展打下坚实的基础。“中国驻洛杉矶总领事张萍说。星期四,美国驻中国总领事馆为纪念中美建交40周年举行了招待会,来自政府、商业、文化和教育部门的300多人参加了招待会。1978年12月16日,中美两国政府同时发表了《中美建交联合公报》。本文件承认中华人民共和国政府是中华人民共和国的唯一合法政府。两周后,1979年1月1日,中美两国关系正常化,开启了两国历史新篇章。”对于那些关心关系并且想要更好的关系的人来说,选择是显而易见的。中美关系是如此重要,以至于看到它陷入冲突不符合我们的利益。张说,中国现在是加州最大的贸易伙伴,第三大货物出口目的地,第四大服务出口目的地。加利福尼亚州也是吸引中国投资、学生和游客的首选州。加利福尼亚州的一些州和地方官员前来参加了招待会,并对中美友谊的长期发展表示了良好的祝愿。出席会议的有加利福尼亚州议会发言人安东尼·伦登。”在过去的40年中,这两个国家之间发展的关系远远超出了政治观点,远远超出了任何一个或两个人的行动,”伦登说。他补充说:“特别是加利福尼亚州和中国之间的关系,是我们作为一个国家所引以为豪的关系。”这是一种关系,我们理解中国作为全球领导者的角色。”洛杉矶县礼宾部首席Lourdes Saab代表县监事会出席了招待会,庆祝了40年的“与中国的美好关系”。萨博说:“我说的很好,因为在洛杉矶,这是很好的,这里的友谊和我们在中国的朋友都证明了这一点,无论发生什么我们无法控制的事情,我们都会表达并保持一种牢固的关系。”谈到人与人之间的交流,也许没有人比加州大学河滨分校国际事务副教务长Kelechi A.Kalu更了解他们,他曾到中国与那里的大学和社区建立伙伴关系。他说他的大学接待了大量的中国学生,从本科到研究生。同时,它也派遣了许多美国学生到中国学习。”文化交流很重要,因为它是一个窗口,通过它我们可以了解和理解人、不同于我们的地方,如果我们相互了解,我们就能在尊重和相互合作的氛围中开展更多的工作。联系作者:teresaliu@chinadailyusa.com
California State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (right) presents a certificate of recognition to Zhang Ping, Chinese consul general in Los Angeles, during a reception Thursday that celebrated 40 years of diplomatic relations between the US and China. LIU YINMENG / CHINA DAILY

Encouraged by the recent meeting between leaders of the US and China during the G20 Summit, dignitaries in California urged the two sides to maintain the spirit of exchange and cooperation, as officials marked four decades of Sino-US relations.

"To implement the consensus of our two leaders, in the next few weeks or months, we need not only to find solutions to those eminent trade issues, but more importantly, to lay a solid foundation for the next four decades' development of China-US relations," said Zhang Ping, Chinese consul general in Los Angeles.

More than 300 people in the government, business, cultural and education sectors attended a reception Thursday hosted by the consulate general to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the US and China.

On Dec 16, 1978, the Chinese and American governments simultaneously issued the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and the US.

The document recognizes the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal Government of China, among other things.

Two weeks later, on Jan 1, 1979, China and the US normalized diplomatic ties with each other, opening a new chapter in the two nations' history.

"To those who care about the relationship and who want a better relationship, the choice is obvious. The China-US relationship is so important that it is not in our interests to see it fall into confrontation," Zhang told those assembled.

China is now California's largest trading partner, the third-largest export destination for goods, and the fourth-largest export destination for services, Zhang said. California is also the top state in attracting Chinese investment, students and tourists.

A number of California officials in the state and local level came to the reception and offered their well wishes to the longevity of Sino-US friendship.

Among those in attendance was California State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon.

"The relationships that have grown between these two countries over the last 40 years go far beyond political views, they go far beyond the actions of any one or two individuals," Rendon said.

"The relationship between California in particular, and China, is a relationship that we as a state are so incredibly proud of," he added. "It's a relationship where we understand the role of China as a global leader."

Los Angeles County Chief of Protocol Lourdes Saab, who attended the reception on behalf of the county Board of Supervisors, celebrated 40 years of "the wonderful relationship with China".

"I say wonderful because here in Los Angeles, it's wonderful, and it's exhibited by the friendship here and of our friends in China, that no matter what happens that we can't control, we express and maintain a strong relationship," Saab said.

When it comes to people-to-people exchanges, perhaps nobody understands them better than Kelechi A. Kalu, vice-provost of international affairs at the University of California, Riverside, who has traveled to China to build a partnership with the universities and communities there.

He said his university hosts a large number of Chinese students from the undergraduate to the graduate level. At the same time, it also sends a lot of American students to study in China.

"Cultural exchange is important because it's a window through which we know and understand people, places that are different from ours, and if we understand each other, we are able to work more in an atmosphere of respect and mutual collaboration," Kalu said.

Contact the writer at teresaliu@chinadailyusa.com