印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪于2018年12月11日在印度新德里举行的冬季会议第一天在议会大厦内与媒体交谈。[照片/机构]新德里-印度执政党周二在三个关键州失去了权力,这使印度总理莫迪(Narendra Modi)获得了自2014年上任以来最大的失败,并在明年全国大选前提振了反对派。在拉贾斯坦邦、恰蒂斯加尔邦和中央邦的农村中心地带,这一结果可能会迫使由摩迪的印度教民族主义者印度人民党(bharatiya janata party)领导的联邦政府增加在农村的开支,印度13亿人口中有三分之二以上的人生活在农村。政治分析人士说,人民党的失败将突显农村地区对政府的失望,并有助于团结由国大党领导的反对党。莫迪本人很受欢迎,但因未能为年轻人提供就业机会和为农民提供更好的条件而受到批评。莫迪周二晚些时候在推特上说:“胜利和失败是人生不可分割的一部分。今天的结果将进一步坚定我们为人民服务的决心,并为印度的发展更加努力。“这一结果对拉胡尔甘地(Rahul Gandhi)来说是一个打击,他是中央偏左的国会的主席,正试图与地区组织结成广泛的联盟,并在大选中向莫迪提出了他迄今为止最严重的挑战。必须在五月前举行。1947年后,国会统治印度的大部分后独立时代,但在2014年的全国民调中被莫迪的人民党推翻。从那时起,它就一直在努力取得重大进展,甚至在州民调中也是如此。周二,在新德里的国大党总部外爆发了庆祝活动,支持者们跳舞,放鞭炮,挥舞着赞美甘地的海报。路透社法新社
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks with the media inside the parliament premises on the first day of the winter session, in New Delhi, India, on Dec 11, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

NEW DELHI - India's ruling party lost power in three key states on Tuesday, dealing Prime Minister Narendra Modi his biggest defeat since he took office in 2014 and boosting the opposition ahead of national polls next year.

The results in the rural heartland states of Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh could force the federal government run by Modi's Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party to raise spending in the countryside, where more than two-thirds of India's 1.3 billion people live.

Political analysts said the BJP's defeat would underscore rural dismay with the government and could help unite the opposition led by the Congress party. Modi is personally popular but has been criticized for failing to deliver jobs for young people and better conditions for farmers.

Reacting late on Tuesday to the results, Modi said on Twitter: "Victory and defeat are an integral part of life. Today's results will further our resolve to serve people and work even harder for the development of India."

The results came as a shot in the arm for Rahul Gandhi, president of the left-of-center Congress, who is trying to forge a broad alliance with regional groups and present Modi with his most serious challenge yet in a general election that must be held by May.

Congress has ruled India for most of its post-independence era after 1947 but was decimated by Modi's BJP in national polls in 2014. Since then, it had struggled to make major inroads, even in state polls.

On Tuesday, celebrations erupted outside the Congress party headquarters in New Delhi, with supporters dancing, setting off firecrackers and brandishing posters praising Gandhi.
