2018年12月12日,在日本东京,人们参加了纪念南京大屠杀81周年的证词会议。[照片/新华社]为纪念南京大屠杀81周年,日本民间团体最近在多个城市举行了一系列纪念活动。南京大屠杀幸存者的女儿张晓梅在周三东京的证词会议上,应一些当地民间团体的邀请,分享了她父亲的故事。大约100人参加了会议。张志强的父亲亲眼目睹了1937年大屠杀中,他的父母和四个弟弟被侵略的日本士兵残忍地杀害。现在已经90岁了,他还没有足够的力气亲自到日本讲述这个故事,但是他把女儿送到了日本。”我觉得我有责任和日本人民分享我父亲的故事。我希望日本年轻一代人也能记住和学习历史,”张晓梅说。南京师范大学教授张连红向出席证词会议的人员介绍了一些屠杀目击者记录的报道、影片和历史资料,包括记者、传教士和西方国家的外交官。自从我来到这里,我一直在和一些日本人交谈,并参加了五次在这里的证词会议。在过去的20年里,一些日本人民和民间团体举行了一些活动,揭露了日本帝国军的战争暴行,这使我深受感动。我真的希望日本政府能够反思历史,促进两国之间的友谊,”张志军对新华社说。在广岛、大阪、名古屋和滨松也举行了类似的证词会议。”在大阪举行的证词会议上,当地居民田中友二说:“当时日本军队犯下的暴行,从幸存者的证词和历史记录中可以看出,令人震惊。”他补充说:“重要的是,这种历史真相必须传给后代。”我们对战争历史了解得越多,就越珍惜和平。一位当地居民在名古屋会议上说:“我真的希望我们能更多地了解历史,去南京了解更多幸存者的证词。”日本仍有人试图否认南京大屠杀的发生。南京大屠杀的受害者邀请他们来日本,分享他们在日本的经历,我们希望为日本人民提供一个了解历史真相的机会,”南京大阪60年大屠杀民间团体的成员,一个系列纪念活动的组织者,说。另一个民间团体“不再是南京名古屋协会”的成员平山(Ryohei Hirayama)说,日本应该向德国学习,承认历史真相,只有这样,日本才能向历史学习,面向未来。考虑到大阪和平危机的联络小组成员武本隆雄说,尽管日本的年轻一代没有直接卷入暴行,但他们仍然有义务记住历史。”如果日本人民不知道或不记得历史真相,战争悲剧就可能再次发生。这就是我们呼吁人们更多地了解历史的原因。我们有义务在充分认识历史的基础上与中国人民建立新的友好关系,”他补充说。张说,铭记历史不是为了铭记仇恨,而是为了创造两国和平友谊的未来。”我们必须学习历史,珍惜和平,远离战争。她说:“我们希望两国之间的友谊能够传给后代。”1937年12月13日,日军轰炸了南京,并在当时的中国首都南京发生了一场凶残的暴动。南京大屠杀,或称南京强奸案,是日本军队对南京居民实施的大规模谋杀和大规模强奸事件。
People attend a testimony meeting to mark the 81st anniversary of Nanjing Massacre in Tokyo, Japan, Dec 12, 2018. [Photo/Xinhua]

TOKYO - A series of commemorative activities have been held by Japanese civil groups recently in various cities to mark the 81st anniversary of Nanjing Massacre.

Chang Xiaomei, daughter of a Nanjing Massacre survivor, shared her father's story at a testimony meeting in Tokyo on Wednesday at the invitation of a few local civil groups. About 100 people attended the meeting.

Chang's father Chang Zhiqiang saw with his own eyes how his parents and his four little brothers were brutally killed by the invading Japanese soldiers during the 1937 massacre.

Now 90 years old, he is not strong enough to come to Japan himself to tell the story, but he sent his daughter.

"I feel that I have a responsibility to share my father's story with the Japanese people. I hope that the younger generations of the Japanese people could also remember and learn from the history," said Chang Xiaomei.

Zhang Lianhong, a professor at Nanjing Normal University, presented to attendants of the testimony meeting some reports, films and historical materials recorded by witnesses of the massacre, including journalists, missionaries and diplomats from western countries.

"Since I came here, I have been talking to some Japanese people and attended five testimony meetings here. I was moved by the efforts in the past 20 years by some Japanese people and civil groups to hold events and reveal the war atrocities committed by the Imperial Japanese Army. I really hope that Japanese government could reflect upon the history and promote friendship between our two countries," Zhang told Xinhua.

Similar testimony meetings were also held in Hiroshima, Osaka, Nagoya and Hamamatsu.

"The atrocities committed by the Japanese troops at that time, as evidenced by the testimony of survivors and the historical records, were so shocking," said Youji Tanaka, a local resident at the testimony meeting in Osaka.

"It's important that such historical truth be passed on to the future generations," he added.

"The more we learn about the war history, the more we cherish peace. I really hope that we can learn more about the history and go to Nanjing to hear more about the testimonies of the survivors," said a local resident at the Nagoya meeting.

"There are still people in Japan who tried to deny that Nanjing Massacre ever happened. By inviting victims of Nanjing Massacre to come and share their experiences in Japan, we hope to provide a chance for the Japanese people to learn about the historical truth, " said Sachiko Momiyama, member of the civil group "Nanjing Massacre 60 Years Osaka," one of the organizers of the series of commemorative events.

Ryohei Hirayama, member of another civil group "No More Nanjing Nagoya Association," said that Japan should learn from Germany and admit to the historical truth, and that only by doing that could Japan learn from the history and face toward the future.

Noboru Takemoto, member of the Liaison Group to Think About Peace Osaka's Crisis, said that although Japan's younger generations were not directly involved in the atrocities, they are still obligated to remember the history.

"If the Japanese people couldn't know or remember the historical truth, the war tragedies could happen again. That's why we call upon people to learn more about the history," said Takemoto.

"We have the obligation to build a new friendly relationship with the Chinese people on the basis of fully recognizing the history," he added.

Chang said that to remember the history is not aimed to remember the hatred but to create a future of peace and friendship between the two countries.

"We have to learn from the history and to cherish the peace and stay away from the war. It's hoped that the friendship between our two countries could be passed on to future generations," she said.

On Dec 13, 1937, the Japanese army bombed Nanjing and went on a murderous rampage through the city, then China's capital. The Nanjing Massacre, or Rape of Nanjing, was an episode of mass murder and mass rape committed by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing.