清水宫古庙的主人盛盛盛(Seihan Mori)周三在京都的寺庙里用墨水浸湿的毛笔写下“灾难”的汉字。日本国际新闻社(Jiji Press/Agence France-Presse Japan)周三挑选了“灾难”汉字作为2018年的象征,这一年发生了致命的洪水、强烈的地震和强烈的地震。暴风雨袭击了这个国家。日本电视台现场直播了一年一度的活动,当时京都的清水仙寺和尚盛盛(SeihanMori)用黑色墨水在传统的水洗纸上写下了这个人物。许多人经历了自然灾害的威胁,比如地震、大雨、台风和热浪(2018)。自1995年以来,jkatf在全国范围内进行了民意调查,以选出最能概括每年情绪和事件的汉字,即汉字kanji。今年,超过19万人参加了这项调查,其中约21万人投票赞成“灾难”。“和平”的汉字和“黑塞”一词中的第一个字,即日本当前的时代,今年排名第二,因为日本明仁天皇将于2019年4月在位30年后退位。今年,最严重的洪水、热浪以及一系列的自然灾害袭击了这个国家,从几十年来最严重的洪水开始,7月份至少有200人丧生,其中西冈山、广岛和山口是受灾最严重的。同样在7月,日本中部地区65多人死于热浪,22000多人被送往医院。东京的气温首次超过40摄氏度。今年9月,日本遭遇了25年来最强的台风“杰比”,造成至少7人死亡,200人受伤。它把一辆油罐车撞上大阪湾的一座桥,把京都的一个火车站的屋顶掀了下来。同一周,北海道北岛遭受6.7级地震袭击,造成41人死亡,造成山体滑坡,约160万居民断电数天。”当时真的很可怕。在札幌居住的30岁的中国人周华哲说:“电力立即中断,我在家里过了几天没有电。法新社对这件事做出了贡献。
Seihan Mori, master of the ancient Kiyomizu temple, uses an ink-soaked calligraphy brush to write the Chinese character for "disaster" at the temple in Kyoto on Wednesday. JIJI PRESS/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE

Japan on Wednesday picked the Chinese character "disaster" to symbolize 2018, a year that saw deadly floods, strong earthquakes and heavy storms hit the country.

Japanese television broadcast the annual event live when Seihan Mori, head monk of the Kiyomizu temple in Kyoto, wrote the character on traditional washi paper in dark ink.

"Many people experienced the threat of natural disasters such as earthquakes, heavy rain, typhoons and heat waves (in 2018)," the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation, the event organizer, said in a news release.

Since 1995, JKATF has conducted nationwide polls to pick a Chinese character, known as kanji, that best sums up the mood and events of each year.

This year, over 190,000 people participated in the poll and some 21,000 of them voted for "disaster".

The Chinese character for "Peace" and also the first character in the word "Heisei", the current era in Japan, came at second place this year as the Japanese Emperor Akihito will abdicate the throne in April 2019 after reigning for 30 years.

Worst flooding, heat wave

A series of natural disasters slammed the country this year, starting with the worst flooding in decades that killed at least 200 people in July, with western Okayama, Hiroshima and Yamaguchi being the hardest hit.

Also in July, more than 65 people died in a heat wave in central Japan and more than 22,000 people were taken to hospital. Tokyo registered temperatures above 40 C for the first time.

The strongest typhoon in 25 years, known as Jebi, hit Japan in September, killing at least seven and injuring 200. It swept a tanker into a bridge in Osaka Bay and tore off a railway station roof in Kyoto.

During the same week, the northern island of Hokkaido was hit by a magnitude 6.7 earthquake, leaving 41 dead, causing landslides and some 1.6 million residents were out of power for several days.

"It was really scary at that time. The power went out immediately and I spent days without electricity at home," said Zhou Huazhe, a 30-year-old Chinese who lived in Sapporo.

AFP contributed to this story.