雅加达-印度尼西亚中部苏拉威西省北部的索普坦火山星期天爆发,向天空喷射了长达7.5公里的火山灰。一名灾害机构官员说,这座火山爆发了两次,包括当地时间上午8:57,一列火山灰扩散到空中达7.5公里,另一个火山在当地时间上午7:43喷发。国家灾害管理局发言人Sutopo Purwo Nugroho在一条短信中对新华社说,火山灰高达7公里。火山灰向火山口西南和南部扩散,震动持续了30分钟,这位发言人说:“在预测热灰滑入火山侧面和冷熔岩流的过程中,我们发现火山灰是由火山灰和火山灰混合而成。苏托波说,在距火山口4公里半径范围内禁止社区活动,在火山口西南部地区,已经宣布禁行区为6.5公里。他补充说,如果灰烬降雨,建议人们使用口罩来防止呼吸问题。索普坦山是我国129座活火山之一。印度尼西亚北部,位于一个被称为“太平洋火圈”的易受地震袭击的地区。

JAKARTA - Mount Soputan volcano in North Sulawesi province of Central Indonesia erupted on Sunday, spewing a column of ashes by up to 7.5 km to the sky, a disaster agency official said.

The volcano erupted twice, including that at 8:57 am local time with a column of ashes spread to the air by up to 7.5 km and another one at 7:43 am local time, spewing ashes 7 km high to the sky, spokesman of national disaster management agency Sutopo Purwo Nugroho told Xinhua in a text message.

The ashes were spread toward south west and south of the crater and tremors jolted for 30 minutes, the spokesman said.

"In anticipating the hot ash from sliding into the flank of the volcano and flows of cool lava, the community is prohibited from having activities at the radius of 4 km from the crater, and for the area at southwest of the crater the no go-zone has been declared at 6.5 km," Sutopo said.

Should rains of ashes fall, the people are recommended to use masks to prevent from respiratory problems, he added.

Mount Soputan is one of 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia which lies on a vulnerable quake-hit zone called "the Pacific Ring of Fire."