法国东部城市斯特拉斯堡的居民已于2018年12月16日在法国斯特拉斯堡的一个著名的圣诞节集市上填满了一个城市广场,以纪念被枪手打死和打伤的四人。巴黎检察官办公室周日晚间证实,周二发生在法国东部斯特拉斯堡一个圣诞节市场的袭击事件中,第五人受伤,导致受伤。办公室说受害者是波兰人。仍有11人受伤,其中一些伤势严重。星期二晚上,一名男子持枪持刀,几次开火,在克莱伯街和大马路附近刺伤了人们。大马路是法国城市每年举行圣诞节市场的主要购物街之一。这名名叫切里夫·切卡特的枪手于周四晚间被击毙,结束了为期两天的大规模搜捕行动,共有720名安全部队参与其中。巴黎检察官Remy Heitz周五早些时候说,法国调查人员正在调查这名枪手是单独行动还是与同谋一起行动,7人因与这名枪手有关而被警方拘留。
Residents of the eastern French city of Strasbourg have filled a city square for a memorial to the four people shot dead and the dozen wounded by a gunman at their famous Christmas market on Dec 11, in Strasbourg, France, on Dec 16, 2018. [Photo/IC]

PARIS - A fifth person wounded in the attack that targeted a Christmas market in Strasbourg, east France on Tuesday, succumbed to his injuries, the Paris prosecutor's office confirmed on Sunday evening.

The office said that the victim was of Polish nationality. There are still eleven wounded, some of whom are in serious condition.

On Tuesday evening, a man armed with a firearm and a knife, opened fire several times and stabbed people in Place Kleber and the Grand'Rue, one of the French city's main shopping streets where Christmas market is held every year.

The shooter, identified as Cherif Chekatt, has been killed, on Thursday evening, ending two-day massive manhunt in which 720 security forces had been involved.

Seven people were put in police custody in connection with the gunman as French investigators were working to determine whether he acted alone or with accomplices, Paris prosecutor Remy Heitz said earlier on Friday.