2018年12月13日,法国斯特拉斯堡梅瑙区,法国特种警察部队在警察行动期间保护了一个地区,在斯特拉斯堡的一个圣诞节市场上杀害了3人的嫌疑犯谢里夫·切卡特被杀。[照片/机构]斯特拉斯堡/巴黎-警方消息称,在法国斯特拉斯堡市的一个圣诞节集市上,一名涉嫌枪手在逃亡48小时后,在与警方的短暂枪战中被枪杀。29岁的谢里夫·切卡特星期四大约2100小时(格林威治标准时间2000)左右,在距他星期二发起攻击的地方2公里的地方,一次大规模的警察行动后不久在该市的纽多夫/梅瑙地区被杀。其中一位消息人士说,切卡特是在向警察开枪后被打死的,警察还开枪了。内政部长克里斯托夫·卡斯塔纳对记者说,后来三名警官发现了一名被认为是切卡特的男子,并将他逮捕。卡斯塔纳对记者说:“他转身向他们开火,他们开枪打死了他。”斯特拉斯堡市长罗兰·里斯在得知切卡特被杀的消息后对记者说:“我认为这将有助于恢复正常的生活。”随着恐怖分子的死亡…像我一样,公民们都松了一口气,”他说。路透社记者在现场附近听到三四声枪响后,武警和部队开始他们的行动,由直升机支持盘旋在上空。星期二袭击造成的死亡人数上升到三人,星期四,警察在法国东部城市进行了第二天的搜查,并在德国边境设立了检查站,以寻找契卡特。星期四还有三个人在为他们的生命而战,卡斯塔纳在新闻发布会上说,切卡特被枪杀。警方以多种语言为切卡特发布了通缉令。切卡特是这次袭击的主要嫌疑犯,作为一个潜在的安全威胁,他一直在监视名单上。他曾因盗窃和暴力在法国、德国和瑞士的监狱里待过一段时间,当局称他在狱中形成了激进的宗教观点。伊斯兰国家组织在其AMAQ新闻网站上发表声明称,伊斯兰国家周四宣称他是该组织的一名士兵,该组织“为了响应针对联盟国家公民的呼吁”而开展了行动,以打击该激进组织。该组织没有提供证据支持这一主张。当天早些时候,武装和蒙面警察在下午晚些时候在斯特拉斯堡的同一个街区展开了三个地点,包括最后一次见到切卡特的地区。他在离那里不远的地方被杀了。目击者告诉调查人员,袭击者在周二斯特拉斯堡的圣诞市场开火时大声喊着“真主保佑”,巴黎检察官Remy Heitz暗示,袭击者可能是因为宗教象征而被选中的。法国士兵是全国反恐巡逻队的一员,他们射中了他的手臂,但他设法逃脱并躲避了48小时的追捕。博鳌亚洲论坛电视台援引调查人员的话说,一名出租车司机把他从袭击现场带走,并告诉他,他发动袭击是为了报复他在叙利亚的兄弟。
French special police forces secure an area during a police operation where the suspected gunman, Cherif Chekatt, who killed three people at a Christmas market in Strasbourg, was killed, in the Meinau district in Strasbourg, France, Dec 13, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

STRASBOURG/PARIS - The suspected gunman who killed three people at a Christmas market in the French city of Strasbourg was shot dead on Thursday in a brief gun battle with police after being on the run for 48 hours, police sources said.

Cherif Chekatt, 29, was killed in the Neudorf/Meinau area of the city shortly after a big police operation was launched around 2100 hrs (2000 GMT) on Thursday about 2 kilometres from where he launched his attack on Tuesday.

Chekatt was killed after firing on police officers, who returned fire, one of the sources said.

Interior Minister Christophe Castaner told reporters later three police officers came across a man they believed to be Chekatt and went to arrest him.

He turned to fire on them and they shot and killed him, Castaner told reporters.

"I think it will help to get back to a life that I would describe as normal," Strasbourg Mayor Roland Ries told reporters after news that Chekatt had been killed.

"With the death of this terrorist ... citizens, like me, are relieved," he said.

Reuters reporters near the scene heard three to four gunshots after armed police officers and units launched their operation, backed up by a helicopter circling overhead.

The death toll from Tuesday's attack rose to three while police on Thursday combed the city in the east of France for a second day and manned checkpoints on the German border in their search for Chekatt.

Three others were fighting for their lives on Thursday, Castaner told a news conference before news broke that Chekatt had been shot dead.

Police issued a wanted poster in multiple languages for Chekatt, who was the main suspect in the attack and who had been on a watchlist as a potential security threat.

He had spent time in French, German and Swiss jails for a theft and violence and authorities say he was known to have developed radical religious views while behind bars.

Islamic State claimed him as one of its soldiers on Thursday, who "carried out the operation in response to calls for targeting citizens of coalition countries" fighting the militant group, according to a statement on its Amaq news website. The group provided no evidence for the claim.

Earlier in the day armed and masked police had swooped on the same Strasbourg neighborhoods fanning out across three locations in late afternoon, including the area where Chekatt was last seen. He was killed not far from there.

Witnesses had told investigators that the attacker cried out "Allahu Akbar" (God is Greater) as he opened fire on Tuesday on the Christmas market in Strasbourg, a target Paris Prosecutor Remy Heitz suggested may have been chosen for its religious symbolism.

French soldiers, who are part of anti-terrorism patrols across the country, had shot him in the arm but he managed to escape and elude capture for 48 hours.

BFM TV citing investigators said a taxi driver, who had taken him away from the attack site, had told him he had carried out the attack to avenge his brothers in Syria.