南非总统Cyril Ramaphosa于2018年11月1日在南非约翰内斯堡向南非外国记者协会成员致辞。[图片/机构]比勒陀利亚-南非总统拉马福萨周二呼吁金砖四国努力改善经济增长,改善人民生活。Ramaphosa在比勒陀利亚的金砖四国政党和对话会上发表了讲话,金砖四国的执政党巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非、非洲前解放党和其他兄弟党也参加了对话。”金砖四国的政党必须保持领先地位,并在各国领导人在世界各地会晤时通知政策决策。这次会议对我们的人民是一个巨大的鼓舞,让我们给他们希望,让他们实现他们的期望,创造一个更好的世界秩序,”Ramaphosa说。Ramaphosa鼓励领导人努力塑造渐进的观点,以应对全球挑战。他强调,金砖四国致力于多边主义、公平和开放贸易。”他说:“我们应该利用政策工具实现包容性增长,并加强必须进行的对话,以增强人们对世界所需要的经济增长的信心。”Ramaphosa说,各国必须抓住技术进步,利用它发展经济,改变人民的生活。南非非洲国民大会(ANC)秘书长米加苏莱呼吁各国共同努力,促进各自国家的经济增长,改善全球经济。他说,各国不应抱怨彼此的经济潜力,而应重视各自的经济潜力。”他说:“我们的目标是促进贸易,使世界上大多数人受益最大。”中国共产党国际联络部主任宋涛也在金砖四国政党对话会上致辞。为期三天的会议将讨论经济发展、多边主义、第四次工业革命、和平与稳定。
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses the members of the South African Foreign Correspondents Association in Johannesburg, South Africa, Nov 1, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

PRETORIA - South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Tuesday called on the BRICS countries to work to improve economic growth and better the lives of people.

Ramaphosa was speaking at the BRICS political parties plus dialogue in Pretoria, which is being attended by the ruling parties of the BRICS countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - African former liberation parties and other fraternal parties.

"BRICS political parties must stay ahead of the curve and inform policy decisions as leaders of the countries meet around the world. This meeting is a great inspiration to our people, let us give them hope and live up to their expectations to create a better world order," said Ramaphosa.

Ramaphosa encouraged the leaders to work towards shaping progressive perspectives to tackle global challenges. He emphasized that BRICS countries are committed to multilateralism, fair and open trade.

"We should use policy tools to achieve inclusive growth and stepping up the dialogue that must take place to increase confidence in the economic growth that the world requires," he said.

Ramaphosa said countries must seize technological advancement and use it to grow economies and change the lives of the people.

South Africa's African National Congress (ANC) Secretary General Ace Mgashule called on the countries to work together for the economic growth of their countries and improve global economy.

He said countries must not complain about each other's economic potential but appreciate their economic potential.

"Ours is to facilitate trade for the maximum benefit of the majority of the people of the world," he said.

Song Tao, Director of International Liaison Department of the Communist Party of China, also addressed the BRICS political parties plus dialogue.

The three-day event will deliberate on economic development, multilateralism, the 4th industrial revolution, peace and stability.