罗马的特雷维喷泉。意大利财政部长Giovanni Tria星期三说,意大利准备接受“一带一路”倡议,成为该国经济的下一个关键增长动力。特里亚补充说,中国进一步的改革开放将释放出巨大的合作机会,强调两国维护全球化和巩固日益密切关系的共同愿景。”特里亚说,意大利必须积极参与“整合这一倡议”的进程,“不仅要实现参与重大基础设施项目的所有优势,而且从长远来看,还要在贸易路线上保持战略地位。”“BRI是意大利不容错过的一列火车。”特里亚在博鳌亚洲罗马论坛(Boao Forum for Asia's Rome Conference)期间表示,意大利企业参与项目,包括与中国企业在第三国市场合作的项目,尤为重要。博鳌亚洲罗马论坛共有15个国家的300名政治、商业和学术领袖出席。BRI是一个热门话题,许多发言者称赞它是全球化的重要稳定器。意大利副总理路易吉迪梅奥9月份在北京宣布,意大利希望成为第一个与中国签署BRI合作谅解备忘录的七国集团工业化国家,这表明意大利强烈希望参与这一倡议。8月,意大利政府成立了一个中国工作组,帮助意大利企业实现BRI机会。对Tria而言,意大利的参与愿景是明确的,并建立在三个层面上:直接基础设施参与、地理联系和向BRI贸易路线沿线新兴市场的出口增长。首先,他鼓励意大利各行业的公司(从咨询、设计和工程到物流、机械、IT、安全等)积极寻求BRI基础设施项目的交易。第二,他说,意大利应该加强港口和效率,以便利用它在亚洲、欧洲和非洲之间的地理位置来处理这些地区之间更多的贸易往来。第三,意大利企业,尤其是在农业和食品、可持续技术、制药、旅游和设计等领域,应考虑到新的BRI市场不断增长的消费力以及促进出口的机会。作为意大利积极推动深化中国关系的一个信号,特里亚今年6月上任以来首次出访欧洲以外的国家。撇开经济接触不谈,Tria热情地谈到中国作为近距离观察其过去40年戏剧性转变的国家,这一转变始于1978年改革开放。他说,回顾过去,正是中国的长期政策愿景在推动其经济奇迹方面发挥了关键作用。”特里亚说:“中国有可能制定战略并实施这一战略。”长期的愿景和一致性至关重要。”
The Trevi Fountain in Rome. [Photo/VCG]

Italy stands ready to embrace the Belt and Road Initiative as the next key growth driver for the country's economy, Italian Finance Minister Giovanni Tria said on Wednesday.

Tria added that China's further reform and opening-up will unleash vast opportunities for cooperation, and emphasized the two countries' shared vision to uphold globalization and underpin their ever-closer relations.

"Italy must be actively involved in the process" of integrating the initiative, Tria said, "not only to realize all the advantages of participating in major infrastructure projects but also, in the longer term, maintaining a strategic position in the trade routes."

"The BRI is a train that Italy must not miss. Italian companies' participation in projects, including those in collaboration with Chinese companies in third-country markets, are particularly important," Tria said on the sidelines of the Boao Forum for Asia's Rome conference, which was attended by 300 political, business and academic leaders across 15 countries. The BRI was a hot topic, with many speakers hailing it as an important stabilizer of globalization.

Italy's keen desire for engagement with the initiative was demonstrated by Italian Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio's announcement in Beijing in September that Italy wants to be the first of the G7 industrialized countries to sign a memorandum of understanding with China about BRI collaboration.

In August, the Italian government established a China task force to help Italian companies realize BRI opportunities.

For Tria, Italy's vision for engagement is clear and built at three levels: direct infrastructure engagement, geographical connection and growing exports to emerging markets along the BRI trade routes.

First, he encouraged Italian companies in a wide range of sectors-from consulting, design and engineering to logistics, machinery, IT, security, and others-to actively seek deals on BRI infrastructure projects.

Second, he said Italy should strengthen its ports and efficiency so it can leverage its geographical location between Asia, Europe and Africa to handle more trade flowing between these regions.

Third, Italian companies, particularly in the sectors of agriculture and food, sustainable technology, pharmaceuticals, tourism and design, should consider the growing consumption power of new BRI markets' and the opportunity to boost exports.

As a signal of Italy's enthusiasm about fostering deeper China ties, Tria visited the nation on his first overseas trip outside Europe since taking office this June.

Economic engagement aside, Tria speaks warmly about China as a close observer of its dramatic transformation over the past four decades, a process that started with the launch of reform and opening-up in 1978.

Looking back, he said, it was China's long-term policy vision that played a key role in fueling its economic miracle.

"It is possible for China to set a strategy and implement that strategy," Tria said. "That long-term vision and consistency is crucial."