北京大学的邱硕和对外经济贸易大学的一个团队在11月18日的日本知识竞赛中获得了最高奖,由日本基金会赞助,由北京大学和日本科学学会共同举办。来自中国108所大学的327多名学生报名参加了这次比赛。tion. 明年春天将邀请获奖者访问日本,为期八天。北京大学副校长王波表示,北京大学的青年交流代表着两国交流的未来,这场比赛已成为中日青年交流的平台。王托尔表示,北京大学的青年交流活动是本次比赛的重要组成部分。学生的排名只是比赛的一部分。更重要的是,通过参与这样的活动,人们可以在知识和其他方面获得巨大的收益。“日本基金会主席Ogata Takeju说,基金会致力于加深中国和日本之间的相互了解。”年轻人肩负着国家未来建设的责任。他在活动中对学生们说:“我希望你们所有人都能为你们的国家、你们的地区和未来的所有人类做出更多的贡献。”日本科学协会主席Mieko Oshima赞扬了参赛者在筹备过程中所做的努力,希望参赛者能够拓宽对日本的了解,在公关中发展深厚的友谊。上个月在北京举行的中日领导人高层会议证实,中日关系进入了一个新的阶段。我们将开展各种民间交流,为培养中国和日本新时代的人才做出贡献,”她说。

Qiu Shuo from Peking University and a team from the University of International Business and Economics won the top prize at a Japanese knowledge contest on Nov 18.

Sponsored by the Nippon Foundation, the contest was held by Peking University and the Japan Science Society.

Over 327 students from 108 universities across China signed up for the competition. The winners will be invited to visit Japan next spring for eight days.

Affirming the contributions the contest has made, Wang Bo, vice-president of Peking University, said youth exchanges represent the future of exchanges between the two countries, and this competition has become a platform for exchanges between Chinese and Japanese youths.

Wang told the students "ranking is only a part of the competition. What is more important is that by participating in such an event, one can have great gains in knowledge and other aspects."

Ogata Takeju, president of the Nippon Foundation, said the foundation has been dedicated to deepening mutual understanding between China and Japan.

"Young people shoulder the responsibility of the country's future construction. I hope all of you can contribute more to your country, your region and all human beings in the future," he told students at the event.

Mieko Oshima, chair of the Japan Science Society, praised the efforts of the contestants in the preparation process, hoping participants can broaden their knowledge about Japan and develop deep friendship in the process of the competition.

"The top meeting of Chinese and Japanese leaders in Beijing last month confirmed the relationship between the two countries has entered a new stage. We will make a variety of non-governmental exchanges to contribute to training talents who will construct the new era of China and Japan," she said.