2018年12月5日,金州勇士队后卫斯蒂芬·库里(30岁)在下半场的Quicken Loans Arena对抗克利夫兰骑士队后卫科林·塞克斯顿(2岁)。[照片/机构]金州之星主宰了对克利夫兰骑士队的不平衡胜利——他们激烈的竞争已经结束,只剩下回忆。金州勇士队和克里夫兰骑士队有一些特别的,连续四届的NBA总决赛,斯蒂芬·库里总有一天会品尝到。总有一天。”这是历史性的,”柯里说。我肯定会在10年或12年后坐在沙发上,当一切结束后,想想在这里玩的感觉,以及每次我们来到这座建筑时,风险有多大。”现在,咖喱和战士们还没有准备好回忆。库里投了9个三分球,得了42分,凯文·杜兰特又投了25分,因为金州队在周三晚上以129比105击败了骑士队,这是继赢得另一个NBA冠军后,第一次面对一支完全不同的克利夫兰队。由于腹股沟拉伤缺席了11场比赛,科里完全康复了,在第四节中段不到一分钟的时间里,他就拿下了9分,帮助勇士们连续第八次战胜前决赛对手。库里增加了9个篮板和7次助攻,杜兰特有10个篮板和9次助攻。这是金州自6月以来首次访问克利夫兰,当时勇士队完成了四年来的第三次横扫,赢得了他们的冠军。Quicken Loans Arena的感觉和外表都不一样。”过去几年这里有更多的媒体成员。杜兰特说:“在我们跑到地板上之前,我们一直在讨论这个问题。”决赛时这里是个马戏团。你开始思考你的美好回忆,尤其是冠军赛。”我相信我们每次走进大楼都会有这种感觉。”这是自从勒布朗·詹姆斯去年夏天作为自由球员离开洛杉矶湖人队后,勇士队和骑士队的第一场比赛。骑士队在东区冠军联赛四年后从零开始,在没有全明星凯文·洛夫(KevinLove)的情况下,他们正在苦苦挣扎。前锋JR史密斯在被迫停赛时不在阵容中。克利夫兰没有季后赛计划,球迷们对观看杜克大学的比赛比骑士队更感兴趣。特里斯坦·汤普森,这些强大的骑士队中唯一的留守者之一,有19个篮板和14分。新秀科林·塞克斯顿为克利夫兰队得了20分。对于勇士队教练史蒂夫·科尔来说,金州克里夫兰总决赛,一部充满戏剧性和强度的四幕剧,就已经做到了。”“这是我一生中见过的最好的篮球,”克尔赛前说。很明显,他们有一个新的团队,所以你继续前进。但我有点怀旧。”现在不是竞争,而是另一场比赛。他们在努力制造一些东西,我们也在尽可能长时间地继续我们的奔跑。”战士们在库里控制之前很难摇晃骑士。金州队的领先优势只有10分,他在三分球命中犯规,完成了四分球的比赛。然后他又埋葬了另外3人,接着罚了两个罚球,使勇士以5:34领先116-99。可儿一点也不奇怪咖喱又恢复了自我。”这是相当罕见的,但一般来说,斯蒂芬做的每件事都很罕见。我们以前也见过这样的场景,当时史蒂芬受伤了,他回来后马上点燃了灯。”这家伙保持着惊人的状态,这使得他能很快从伤病中恢复过来。
Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry (30) defends against Cleveland Cavaliers guard Collin Sexton (2) during the second half at Quicken Loans Arena, Dec 5, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

Golden State star dominates in lopsided triumph over outclassed Cavaliers

CLEVELAND-Their fierce rivalry is over, reduced to only memories. The Golden State Warriors and Cleveland Cavaliers had something special, four straight NBA Finals that Steph Curry will one day savor.

Some day.

"It was historic," Curry said. "I'll definitely sit back on the couch in 10 or 12 years when it's all over and think about what it was like to play here, and how high the stakes were every time we came into this building."

Right now, Curry and the Warriors aren't ready to reminisce.

Curry made nine 3-pointers and scored 42 points, Kevin Durant added 25 as Golden State returned to face a very different Cleveland team for the first time since winning another NBA title, whipping the Cavs 129-105 on Wednesday night.

Fully healed after missing 11 games with a strained groin, Curry scored nine points in less than a minute midway through the fourth quarter to help the Warriors pull away for their eighth straight win over their former Finals rivals.

Curry added nine rebounds and seven assists, and Durant had 10 rebounds and nine assists.

It was Golden State's first visit to Cleveland since June, when the Warriors completed a sweep to win their third championship in four years.

Nothing in Quicken Loans Arena felt or looked the same.

"There were more media members here the last couple of years. We were talking about that before we ran out on the floor," said Durant.

"It was a circus here during the Finals. You start thinking about the great memories you had, especially the championship.

"I'm sure we'll feel those feelings every time we walk into the building."

This was the first matchup between the Warriors and Cavaliers since LeBron James left as a free agent last summer, eventually signing with the LA Lakers.

The Cavs are starting from scratch after a four-year run as Eastern Conference champions, and they're struggling without All-Star Kevin Love, who is recovering from foot surgery. Forward JR Smith is out of the lineup on a forced hiatus.

There are no playoff plans in Cleveland, where fans are more interested in watching Duke University games than what the Cavs are doing.

Tristan Thompson, one of the only holdovers from those powerful Cavs teams, had 19 rebounds and 14 points. Rookie Collin Sexton scored 20 points for Cleveland.

For Warriors coach Steve Kerr, the Golden State-Cleveland Finals, a four-act play loaded with drama and intensity, had it all.

"Some of the best basketball I've ever seen in my life," Kerr said before the game.

"Obviously, they have a new team and so you move on. But part of me is a little nostalgic for that.

"Now it's not a rivalry, it's another game. They're trying to build something and we're trying to continue our run for as long as we can."

The Warriors had trouble shaking the Cavs until Curry took control.

Golden State's lead was just 10 when he got fouled while hitting a 3-pointer and completed the four-point play.

He then buried another 3 and followed that with two free throws to put the Warriors ahead 116-99 with 5:34 left.

Kerr isn't surprised Curry is back to being himself.

"It's pretty rare, but Steph is rare in general in everything he does," he said.

"We've seen it before where Steph was out with an injury and comes back and starts lighting it up right away.

"The guy keeps himself in amazing shape, which allows him to come back pretty quickly from an injury."