中国东部的北仑——周一,中国奥林匹克冠军队主教练郎平在这里确认,他们将在没有队长和明星球员朱婷的情况下,开始他们的国际排联排球联赛(VNL)比赛。2018年4月26日,在土耳其伊斯坦布尔的Burhan Felek排球馆,Vakifbank的朱婷(左)和Milena Rasic(右)在维斯特尔维纳斯苏丹联盟决赛中与Eczacbasi Vitra的比赛中获胜后,庆祝她拿下奖杯。[照片/ic]“朱海洋5月6日刚刚完成了在土耳其瓦基夫班克的赛季。这是一个漫长而艰难的赛季。她一定很累了,尽管她回到中国并向北仑的国家队汇报了自己的情况,”两年前在里约奥运会上带领中国女排夺冠的朗说。这名23岁的球员一周前在布加勒斯特欧洲冠军杯决赛中以15分帮助瓦基夫班克-伊斯坦布尔击败罗马尼亚的CSM排球Alba Blaj 3-0获胜,此前土耳其队宣布了当地联赛和杯赛的两项冠军。至于这次,她将跳过北仑锦标赛,去做些体检,休息一下,也许还会去看望家人,因为她有大约10天的假期。我希望她能在这段时间内进行一些体育锻炼,并希望她能在两周后复出。好吧,这也取决于她的心理和身体状况,她是否会被送上法庭,”她补充说。东道主中国队在北仑参加了为期一个月的训练营,随后又前往新开发的排球国家联盟的开幕式,该联盟在上个赛季被称为国际排联大奖赛。”朗在赛前新闻发布会上说:“我很荣幸能再次来到这里,北仑,参加排球国家联盟。”Vnl将持续6周。我们将努力提高球员的体力,在整个比赛中将他们的技术提高到一个新的水平,并测试球队的新秀。“此外,我们希望更好地了解现在的女排世界,看看我们的对手的技术如何提高,以及他们的新队员在球场上的表现如何。g此事件。此外,我们还想从其他三个团队学到一些东西,”她补充道。中国队将在5月15日至17日在北仑与比利时、多米尼加共和国和韩国队比赛,16支球队将在世界各地的场地上首次亮相新的世界联盟模式。

BEILUN, East China - Olympic champions China will kick off their FIVB Volleyball Nations League (VNL) campaign without captain and star player Zhu Ting, confirmed head coach Lang Ping here on Monday.

Zhu Ting (L) and Milena Rasic (R) of VakifBank celebrates as she holds the trophy after winning the Vestel Venus Sultans' League play-off final volleyball match against Eczacbasi VitrA at Burhan Felek Volleyball Hall in Istanbul, Turkey on April 26, 2018. [Photo/IC]

"Zhu just completed her season with Turkey's VakifBank on May 6th. It has been a very long and tough season. She must be tired though she came back to China and reported herself to the national team in Beilun," said Lang, who led the Chinese women's volleyball team to lift trophy two years ago in Rio Olympics.

The 23-year-old scored a team-high 15 points to help VakifBank Istanbul win over Romania's CSM Volleyball Alba Blaj 3-0 in the European Champions League final Bucharest a week ago, after the Turkish team claimed the duo titles of local league and Cup.

"As for this time, she'll skip the Beilun tournament, go for some medical check, get some rest and maybe also pay a visit to her family since she's got a vacation of around 10 days," Land said.

"I hope she can do some physical training during this period and expect her comeback in two weeks. Well, it's also upon her mental and physical status whether she'll be sent on court at that time," she added.

The hosts China came out of a month-long training camp in Beilun before heading for the opening game of the newly developed Volleyball Nations League, which was known as the FIVB Grand Prixes in the previous season.

"I feel honored to be here, Beilun, again to participate in the Volleyball Nations League," said Lang at the pre-tournament press conference. "The VNL will last for six weeks. We'll try to improve the physical strength of our players, and to push their skills to a new level throughout the competitions as well as to test the squad's rookies."

"Also, we want to have a better understanding of the present women's volleyball world, to see how our opponents' techniques have improved and how their newcomers play on court during this event. Moreover, we want to learn something from other three teams," she added.

China will play against Belgium, Dominica Republic and South Korea in the May 15-17 event in Beilun while 16 teams make their debuts to the new formula of world league on sites all over the world.