分析师表示,预计中国将出台更强有力的措施,如额外减税和刺激消费和投资等,以支持明年的国民经济,这一立场可能会在年度中央经济工作优先会议上得到澄清。当局没有说明会议将在何时召开,但一般是在12月举行。中国共产党中央政治局周四召开会议,讨论明年的经济工作。会议期间,领导层一致认为,国际国内形势发生了变化,国家将在继续改革开放的同时,努力稳定经济增长。法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas China)首席经济学家陈兴东表示,中国明年面临增长的一些不利因素,如房地产行业放缓带来的下行压力、政策重心转向增长质量、金融监管收紧以及中美贸易争端的影响。从长远来看,中国追求高质量增长将有利于其经济发展和城市化政策。他说,如果实施得当,每年将为国内生产总值增长贡献1到2个百分点。”在短期内,稳定增长仍然是当务之急。明年将有更多的减税措施,其价值预计将超过今年,”他说。他说:“增值税可能是减税计划的重点,企业所得税和关税还有降低的空间。”我们预计中国将实施更大规模的减税,刺激消费,鼓励高科技产业的发展。“中国可能会继续利用财政资源支持经济增长,他说,预计明年中国的财政赤字占国内生产总值的比例不会超过3%。中国社会科学院经济学家肖立生对中国媒体表示,明年中国可能削减价值1.5万亿元人民币(2174亿美元)的税收。中共中央党校教授周天勇对媒体表示,从2019年到2021年,中国的减税幅度将达到5.6万亿元。他没有详细说明。牛津经济学(Oxford Economics)亚洲经济负责人高路易(Louis Kuijs)表示,中国也可能在基础设施方面进行更多投资,并将其货币政策维持在适当水平,以稳定经济。预计政策制定者将采取进一步的措施,“包括可能更多的准备金率削减(银行的现金储备),对基础设施的额外支持,以及进一步削减税收和社会保障捐款”。他说,重要的是不要危及控制信贷增长运动的成就。辛志明为这个故事做出了贡献。

China is expected to enact stronger measures, such as additional tax cuts and incentives for consumption and investment, to bolster the national economy next year, a stance that may be clarified at the annual priority-setting Central Economic Work Conference, analysts said.

The authorities have not said when the conference will be convened, but generally it is held in December.

The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee held a meeting on Thursday to discuss economic work for next year. During the meeting, the leadership agreed that there have been changes in the international and domestic situation, and the country will make efforts to stabilize economic growth while continuing to carry out reform and opening-up.

China faces some headwinds for growth next year, such as downward pressure from an easing real estate sector, shifting of the policy focus to quality of growth, financial regulatory tightening and fallout from China-US trade disputes, said Chen Xingdong, chief economist at BNP Paribas China.

In the long run, the country's pursuit of high-quality growth will benefit its economic development and its urbanization policy. If implemented well, it will contribute about 1 to 2 percentage points annually to GDP growth, he said.

"In the short term, growth stabilization remains the top priority," Chen told China Daily. "Next year, there will be more tax cuts, the value of which is expected to exceed that of this year," he said. Value-added taxes may be the focus of the tax cut initiative and there is room for business income taxes and tariffs to be reduced, he said.

"We expect China to launch larger-scale tax cuts, boost consumption and encourage development of high-tech sectors."

The country may continue to use fiscal resources to support growth, he said, forecasting that China's fiscal deficit to GDP ratio will not exceed 3 percent next year.

China may cut 1.5 trillion yuan ($217.4 billion) worth taxes next year, Xiao Lisheng, an economist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told Chinese media. Zhou Tianyong, a professor at the Party School of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, told the media that he suggested that from 2019 to 2021, China's tax cuts would reach 5.6 trillion yuan. He did not elaborate.

China also may make more investments in infrastructure, and keep its monetary stance at an appropriate level to stabilize the economy, said Louis Kuijs, head of Asia Economics at Oxford Economics. Policymakers are expected to take further measures that could "include possibly more reserve requirement ratio cuts (to banks' cash reserves), additional support for infrastructure and further cuts in taxes and social security contributions".

He said it is important not to jeopardize the achievements of the campaign to rein in credit growth.

Xin Zhiming contributed to this story.