一名员工在山东淄博的一家私营公司从事焊接作业。财经新闻机构意才周一援引专家的话说,中国需要在明年降低其年度经济增长目标。摩根士丹利华信证券(Morgan Stanley Huxin Securities)经济学家张军表示,中国的国内生产总值(GDP)增长率将从今年的6.6%降至2019年的6.3%,中国明年的年度增长目标将在6%至6.5%之间。张说,6.5%的增长表明中国将保持经济增长,6%的增长表明中国将为重组腾出空间。中共中央政治局12月13日召开的一次会议说,中国经济将保持合理的增长水平。中泰证券分析师杨畅表示,利用合理水平来管理经济增长,将有利于推动改革达到实质性水平,避免短期经济波动干扰改革。北京大学经济学家苏健说,2019年,中国经济自然增长率将在5.5%左右,宏观调控后,经济增长率将达到6.2%。苏说,今年制造业采购经理人指数和工业企业利润的持续回落将超过工业活动;中美贸易紧张的负面影响将在明年显现;虽然减税政策将支持消费,但长期住房贷款将限制消费的扩大。苏补充说,明年,由于基础设施投资增速上升,投资对国内生产总值的贡献将从2018年持平,制造业投资将保持高速增长,房地产投资增速将略有下滑。张军说,中国消费升级不会有任何变化,但消费升级过程中的结构正在发生变化;中国人在对实物消费感到满意后,开始转向服务消费。明年,中国零售额的增长率将下降到8.9%左右;在中国,零售额的增长率将下降到8.9%左右。张说,为了维持消费,政府需要出台更多的政策来放松消费。从长远来看,政府需要加大对教育、医疗和老年等社会公共产品的投资,旨在降低中国人民的防御性存款,以解决人们对消费的担忧,张补充道。苏健表示,随着消费边际效用的下降,社会保障和个人所得税改革的影响尚未显现,2019年中国零售额将同比增长7.8%。苏云预计,2019年固定资产投资同比增长5.4%。2019年,固定资产投资增长在产能过剩减量重组背景下难以实现大幅跃升;企业投资将受到社会保障和个人所得税改革带来的企业短期成本波动的影响;环境政策和苏补充说,社会保障改革也将给企业投资带来压力。张军预测,贸易进出口增长将从2019年的11.3%和18.5%下降到5.2%和6.3%,贸易顺差将缩小到3500亿美元,净出口对GDP增长的贡献将达到-0.8%。张说,由于贸易顺差缩小,全球流动性紧缩导致外国直接投资(FDI)或外国直接投资下降,外汇基金明年将萎缩。为了避免外汇未偿资金萎缩导致基础货币贬值,中国央行将降低存款准备金率以平衡国内流动性,张补充道。苏坚表示,随着中国人民消费结构的改善和升级,以及不断扩大的进口政策的实施,2019年进出口增速分别为14.4%和6.2%。但是,苏补充说,2019年的进口增长将低于2018年,明年的贸易顺差将达到4000亿美元。JD Finance首席经济学家沈建光(音译)表示,中国2019年的年度经济增长目标对于将经济增长率降至6%左右至关重要,因为这有利于底线思维,并将为中国提供更多改革空间。
An employee performs welding operations at a private company in Zibo, Shandong province. [Photo/Xinhua]

China needs to lower its annual economic growth target in next year, financial news outlet Yicai reported Monday, citing experts.

The country's gross domestic product growth will ease to 6.3 percent in 2019 from this year's 6.6 percent, and China will set its next year annual growth target between 6 percent to 6.5 percent said Zhang Jun, economist with Morgan Stanley Huaxin Securities.

The 6.5 percent growth shows the country will maintain its economy growth, and the 6 percent growth indicates the country will make room for restructuring, Zhang said.

China will keep economic growth at a reasonable level, a meeting held by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee said on Dec 13.

Utilizing the reasonable level to manage economic growth will be conducive to promote reforms to substantial level and avoid short-term economic fluctuation to disturb the reforms, said Yang Chang, analyst at Zhongtai Securities.

In 2019, China's natural rate of economic growth will be around 5.5 percent, and after macro-control, the economic growth will reach 6.2 percent, said Su Jian, an economist with Peking University.

This year, the sustained pullback on the manufacturing PMI and profits of industrial enterprises will surpass industrial activity; the adverse effects from trade tension between China-US will incarnate next year; although the tax reduction policy will support the consumption, the long-term home loan will restrict the consumption to expand, Su said.

Next year, the contribution of investment to GDP will remain flat from 2018 due to the upswing in infrastructure investment growth, manufacturing investment will maintain a high growth, and the growth of the real estate investment will slip a bit, Su added.


There will be no change in consumption upgrading in China, but the structural is changing among the process of the consumption upgrading; Chinese people are turning to service consumption, after they were satisfied by real goods consumption, said Zhang Jun.

The growth of retail sales will decline to around 8.9 percent next year; in order to maintain the consumption, the government needs to announce more policies to loosen consumption, Zhang said.

In the long-term, the government needs to invest more on social public products such as education, healthcare and elderly, aims to lower Chinese people's defensive deposit to solve people's worries to consumption, Zhang added.

Su Jian said China's retail sales will increase 7.8 percent year-on-year on 2019 as the marginal utility of consumption will trickle down, as well as the influence of social security and the individual income tax reform have not yet been felt.

Moreover, the fixed-asset investment will increase 5.4 percent year-on-year in 2019, Su predicted.

In 2019, the fixed-asset investment growth will be difficult to realize a big jump under the background of overcapacity reducing and restructuring; the enterprises' investment will be effected by enterprise short-term cost fluctuation from the social security and the individual income tax reform; Some uncertainties such as environment policies and social security reform will also add pressure to enterprises' investment, Su added.


The growth of export and import will decline from 11.3 percent and 18.5 percent to 5.2 percent and 6.3 percent in 2019, as well as the trade surplus will narrow to $350 billion, the contribution of net export to GDP growth will be at -0.8 percent, Zhang Jun predicted.

Due to the trade surplus narrowing, and the global liquidity tightening led to FDI, or foreign direct investment declining, the funds outstanding for foreign exchange will shrink next year, Zhang said.

In order to avoid the funds outstanding for foreign exchange shrinking to lead basic currency to fall, China's central bank will reduce the reserve requirement ratio to balance domestic liquidity, Zhang added.

Su Jian said the growth of export and import will be at 14.4 percent and 6.2 percent in 2019, as Chinese people's consumption structure is improving and upgrading, and the expanding import policy is carrying out, the growth of import will increase in 2019.

However, the growth of import in 2019 will be less than it in 2018, and the trade surplus will be $400 billion in next year, Su added.

Shen Jianguang, chief economist JD Finance, said China's annual economic growth target in 2019 is essential to come down to around 6 percent growth as that's better for bottom-line thinking and will give more space to China for reforming.