内蒙古二连浩特一个植物油进出口园区的工人正在筛选洋葱,这是蒙古人民购买的主要产品之一。呼和浩特(pgoto provided to china daily)-黄昏时分,来自蒙古的32岁司机拜德里尔开着他的冷藏车在内蒙古自治区二连浩特(中国内蒙古边境最大的港口)取蔬菜。来自中国的蔬菜给我们的餐桌带来了更多的选择,改变了我们的饮食习惯。我过去主要吃肉类,但现在我也吃从中国进口的蔬菜。拜德瑞尔的妹妹是蒙古首都乌兰巴托的一家蔬菜批发商。他的妹妹通常会通过微信将所需蔬菜的清单发送给二连浩特的销售人员,并在蔬菜准备好后得到通知,拜德瑞尔将离开乌兰巴托前往二连浩特。蒙古人口约300万,主要依靠中国的蔬菜生产。”在蒙古,有些人甚至从未见过中国的一些蔬菜,但越来越多的蒙古人愿意尝试这些蔬菜,”蒙古国的吉亚说。37岁的Ganerdeni在乌兰巴托和Ernhot17年来一直是司机。”我为许多蔬菜批发商工作,而乌兰巴托对中国蔬菜的需求远未得到满足。每天,10到20辆冷藏车将从乌兰巴托出发,两天后于清晨返回。他说,来自中国的新鲜蔬菜将在晚上出现在乌兰巴托的超市货架上。”但五年前,由于这条破旧的土路,双向旅行需要三到四天。但是现在,随着一条新的道路的修建,单程旅行只需要八个小时,”他说。此外,去年缩短了水果和蔬菜的海关时间,并优先加快了这一进程。”二连浩特海关的张洪伟说:“一辆载运水果或蔬菜的卡车只需几分钟就可以通关。”浩港市果蔬进出口公司是我国最大的果蔬进出口公司。它与蒙古40多家超市和蔬菜市场合作,每年向蒙古出口10多万吨蔬菜和水果。根据二连浩特海关的数据,2017年蔬菜出口量为6.9万吨,同比增长20.6%。在过去,他们只买我们卖的东西,主要是土豆、洋葱和卷心菜,但现在,我们卖他们点的东西,”49岁的赵龙说,他是该公司的总经理,在该行业工作了20多年。蒙古国的一份采购订单列出了51种蔬菜、19种水果、6种真菌和2种香料。”他说:“每一张清单上都有一张照片,所以如果我们不知道什么东西是什么,照片可以帮助我们弄清楚。”例如,我们从山东来的芹菜,福建来的卷心菜,云南来的洋葱。”公司在二连浩特的一个村庄建立了超过70公顷的基地,根据蒙古的订单来种植产品。二连浩特的其他公司也在开发电子商务,使蒙古的客户能够收到他们当天订购的新鲜蔬菜。
Workers at a vegetable and oil import and export park at Erenhot, Inner Mongolia, sift onions, one of the major products bought by Mongolian people. [Pgoto provided to China Daily]

HOHHOT-At dusk, 32-year-old driver Bideryar from Mongolia drove his refrigerated truck to pick up vegetables in Erenhot, North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region, the largest port along the China-Mongolia border. "Vegetables from China have brought more choices to our dinner table, and changed our eating habits," he said. "I mainly ate meat in the past, but now, I also eat vegetables imported from China. I am healthier."

Bideryar's sister is a vegetable wholesaler in Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia. His sister usually sends the list of vegetables needed to the salesman in Erenhot via WeChat and will be notified when the vegetables are ready, upon which Bideryar will leave Ulan Bator for Erenhot.

With a population of about 3 million, Mongolia mainly relies on China for vegetables. "In Mongolia, some people have never even seen some of the vegetables from China, but more and more Mongolians are willing to try them," said Gyiya from Mongolia.

Ganerdeni, 37, has been a driver running between Ulan Bator and Erenhot for 17 years. "I work for many vegetable wholesalers, and the need for vegetables from China in Ulan Bator is far from being met," he said.

Every day, 10 to 20 refrigerated trucks will depart from Ulan Bator and return early in the morning two days later. The fresh vegetables from China will appear on supermarket shelves at night in Ulan Bator, he said.

"But five years ago, a two-way trip would take three to four days due to the shabby dirt road. But now, with a new road built, a one-way trip only takes eight hours," he said.

Additionally, customs time for fruits and vegetables was shortened last year and made a priority to speed up the process. "It takes only several minutes for a truck carrying fruits or vegetables to be cleared by customs," said Zhang Hongwei with Erenhot customs.

Haogang fruit and vegetable import and export company is the largest of its kind between China and Mongolia. It works with over 40 supermarkets and vegetable markets in Mongolia, and exports more than 100,000 metric tons of vegetables and fruits to Mongolia every year.

According to Erenhot customs, 69,000 tons of vegetables were exported in 2017, up 20.6 percent year-on-year.

"In the past, they just bought what we sold, mainly potatoes, onions and cabbages, but now, we sell what they order," said Zhao Long, 49, general manager of the company, who has been working in the trade for more than 20 years.

One of the purchase orders from Mongolia lists 51 kinds of vegetables, 19 kinds of fruits, six kinds of fungi and two spices. "Each listing also has a photo, so if we don't know what something is, the picture can help us figure it out," he said. "For example, we get celery from Shandong, cabbages from Fujian, and onions from Yunnan."

The company has built a base of more than 70 hectares in a village in Erenhot to plant products based on the orders from Mongolia. Other companies in Erenhot are also developing e-commerce to make it possible for customers in Mongolia to receive fresh vegetables they have ordered the same day.