Every Sunday Afternoon Social meetup, make more friends!
Sunday, May 12, 2019 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
If you want to make new friends
If you want to extend your network
If you want to find some language partners
If you want to try some freshly made craft beers
If you feel like having a relaxing afternoon talking with friendly people
Then this is the place to be!!
Welcome to join our Social afternoon at Boxing Cat Brewery
Every Sunday Afternoon Socialmeetup, make more friends! Details Sunday, May12, 20192:00 PM to 5:00 PMI of your wanting to make new friendships and I of your wanting to extend our network work I of your wanting to find out the omelanguageners I of your wanting to some freshly madecrafted TRS I of your feeling have the opportunity to join with the society!! (RSVP now!!!!!!!!!! When: Every Sunday Afternoon, 14:00-17:00-Where: BoxingCatBrewery (opening bar before Previous Kaiba) Address: 739Dingxiroad (neartheintersection with Yananroad) Dingxi Road 739, Metro: Yanan Anstroad Metro Metro Station Note that note that there are multiple forms, 30 pepeople multiplex forms multiplex forms 30 pee multiplex forms plus 30 pepepee multiplex forms multiplex forms multipleachtime-Wannajoin? RSVPonMeetup-Anyquestion? Addus OnWechat:[masked]-Howtofindus? [masked]-Howtofinduls? I fyoufindabdable signature of peopletletalkingin English, that \\\\\\\\ TherewillbeaMEETUPsignature bean MEETUPsignature on the table, Don \\\\ tbeshy and comeuptoaskifwearethemeappeappeappeappellate group. sevesevesbrough rough rough UPDATE yourRSVP status. WETAKETHISSERIOUSLY: Members of RSVP Yes anddon tshowup3 time swillberemoved from the group.2. Inordertorespect the venue, pleasedon tbringyourowndrink / food and considering adrink; 3. This NOT commercialevent! You\\\\\\\\\\\
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