千岛湖龙舟营2019 细节 2019年5月10日星期五下午7:00至2019年5月12日星期日下午9:00 如何找到我们 我们将在虹桥火车站北停车场集合 和我们一起在千岛湖度过另一个周末,这里有很多龙舟划艇,一起玩得很开心。 我们将于周五晚上乘坐包车离开,直接住在湖边的一个农舍,有两间和三间带私人浴室的客房。整个星期六划水后,我们晚上会有篝火。星期天早上我们将回到船上,下午我们将去上海。 成本将是 早鸟850元到4月27日 950元人民币后 包括交通、住宿2晚、膳食(早餐、2顿午餐和1顿晚餐)、船只、培训和设备。 1。此处注册 2。转账850元到安迪山,确保您的位置(4月27日后950元) 不要等待,现在注册,准备好用力划桨和派对!

Dragonboat Camp at Qiandaohu 2019


Friday, May 10, 2019, 7:00 PM to Sunday, May 12, 2019, 9:00 PM

How to find us

We will meet at the North parking deck of Hongqiao Railway Station

Join us for another weekend at the Thousand Island Lake full of paddling in Dragonboats and having fun together.
We will leave Friday evening by chartered bus and stay in a local farmhouse directly at the lake in double and triple rooms with private bathrooms. After paddling the whole Saturday we will have some bonfire at night. Sunday morning we will be back on the boats and in the afternoon we heading to Shanghai.

Costs will be
Early bird 850 RMB till April 27
After 950 RMB
incl. transportation, accommodation of 2 nights, meals (breakfasts, 2 lunch and 1 dinner), boats, training and equipment.

1. register here
2. transfer 850 RMB to Andi_San to ensure your place (950 after April 27)
Don't wait, register now and get ready to paddle and party hard!