Let's New York Salsa  燃烧吧,脂肪君!让我们一起纽约萨萨


New York Salsa 又名曼波舞 Mambo,







Manbo Jack和Zhenzhen是北京最资深的Salsa老师,有10多年的培训经验。

Manbo Jack and Zhenzhen are the best New York Salsa teachers in Beijing with more than 10 years training experience.

Attention / 注意事项


Beginning Bachata初级 Bachata


Beginning Salsa初级 Salsa

Bilingual teaching中英文双语授课

29¥ for the first class ticket第一节体验课:29元

The price for the second class: 120¥第二节课原价:120元

Join 2 classes: 149¥两节连上 149元

Groupon 15 friends together, 2 classes 119¥团购:15个小伙伴一起参加,2节课共119元

Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30


The event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number


Please add Wechat account: cutepet2015


PostEnglishTime 后英语时代

An English lover community, here you can speak English, make friends and share your experiences.一个可以聊英文,交朋友,分享人生经历的英文爱好者社区。

PET is a high-quality network of English-speaking Chinese professionals in Beijing, aims to build a high-quality network of locals and expatriates who are seriously interested in engaging with culture exchange, learning different society and people.PET创立于2011年,这里聚集了不同背景与国籍的朋友们,主要是来自于互联网、媒体、金融、法律、地产,政府等企事业的从业者,也有充满梦想的创业者和献身NGO的有志青年,以及充满热情的各大高校的学生,因为大家都放不下【英语】这一共同的爱好,就聚在一起,用英语做一些有趣,又有意义的事情。比如读一本好书,分享一段人生故事,组织各种有趣的社交与户外活动。
Lets New York Salsa burn, fat man! Let's get together at Sasha, New York, http://show.s.postenglishtime.com/8453622105998.jpg?ImageView2/2/w/650/interlace/1/q/90http://show.s.postenglishtime.com/8453621935732.jpg?ImageView2/2/w/600/interlace/1/q/90New York YorkSalsa, also known as Mambo, is a jazz dance featuring a lively music with a variety of dance steps and melodies, without requiring a variety of melodies. Fixed partner, no special costume, no dance foundation, easy to learn! It is a relaxed and fat-burning aerobic exercise, especially suitable for young urban people to exercise and socialize after work. Http://show.s.postenglishtime.com/8453621974742.jpg? ImageView2/2/w/600/interlace/1/q/90 ManboJack and Zhenzhen are the most senior Salsa teachers in Beijing, with more than 10 years of training experience. Manbo Jackand Zhenzhen is the best New York Salsateachers in Beijin with a 10 yearstraining experience. Attention / Notes 16:00-17:00 Beginning Bachata Junior Bachata 17:00-18:00 Beginning Salsa Junior Salsa Bilingual Chinese-English Bilingual Course 29_For the first ticket lesson: 29 yuan The second class: 120_ Lasses: 149 two sections with 149 yuan Groupon 15 friendstogether, 2 classes 119 group purchase: 15 small partners to participate, 2 classes with 119 yuan Pleasesign up in dvance, or pay extra 30 please sign up in advance, airborne need to pay an additional 30 yuan for the site fee The Event of cancelling the participants of the third part of the expected number of people automatically cancelled the activity. Please sign up. Thank you PleaseaddWechataccount: cutepet2015. Please add a tweet: AnEnglishlover community, here you can talk English, make friends and share your rexperiences in the post-English era after cutepet2015 Post EnglishTime. An English-loving community that can chat in English, make friends and share your life experiences. PETisa high-quality networking of English-speaking Chineseprofessionals in Beijing, aims to build ahigh-quality networking of locals and expatriates who are seriously interested with the results of changes, learning differentiated societies and people. PET was founded in 2011, gathering friends from different backgrounds and nationalities, mainly from the Internet, media, finance, law, and places. Employees of enterprises such as production and government, aspiring young people who are full of dreams and devoted to NGOs, and students of enthusiastic colleges and universities, gather together to do some interesting and meaningful things in English because everyone can't let go of the common hobby of English. For example, read a good book, share a life story, organize various interesting social and outdoor activities.